*Warning this is gonna be a little long*
Soo – me and my boyfriend met in May of 2022. He was 48, I was 24. We are now 50 and 25. I randomly upped my age settings on tinder just to see, we matched and made a date to go out. We went, we hooked up, the whole thing. I thought that would be it but we kept seeing each other. Neither of us thought anything would come of it considering the age difference but we are still here and in love and talking ab a future a year and a half later.
We are happy and our relationship is great except for one thing. His past.

Obviously someone who is 48 is gonna have lived a lot more life and gone thru more things and done more things than someone who is 24. That is expected. But I found out about 9 months ago that my boyfriend has anything but a clean, normal past.
I was on his phone and saw a whatsapp conversation from spring of 2021 with what appeared to be a hooker. He was on vacation in Aruba, he said to the girl he was from tinder, she begins to list services and prices. He’s all for it. They talk the whole time he’s there. It’s clear they met up. And it’s clear he paid her.
I am livid. I confront him a day or 2 later. I asked him calmly just like I was curious. Not yelling. I tried to keep my cool at first. He swears he’s never been with a hooker. (He doesn’t know yet that I’ve seen these messages so he can deny). He says no over and over I let it go for the moment. But I know he’s lying. The questioning and denying go on for about 2-3 days until he finally admits it. Yes I’ve been with hookers.
Basically everything ab his sexual past has been a lie. He said he’s slept with approx 30 women in his whole life at first, then it turned into at least 30-40 hookers. On top of just regular women. So he’s slept with a lot.
I am devastated. I’m disgusted. We almost break up. Bec of his actions and the lies.
I proceed to ask more questions ab things he’s done or not done, denies everyrhing of course. Idk what’s true and what’s not.
So for the past 9 months it has been very hard to look at the man I love and know he made a lifetime of turning to hookers Everytime he wanted sex. It makes upset, mad, sick, disappointed. Everything.
I have been struggling trying to get past this.
Now fast forward to a few weeks ago, I ask him who of his friends know he’s done this. We’re talking ab marriage, I wanna know who knows these horrible things ab the man I’m planning on spending my life with
He swears only 2 friends. I dnt trust that answer. I go in his phone. I find out that a whole group chat of like 12 of his friends know. They talked ab it up until he met me. Him, along with them, their whole lives revolved around paying for sex!! I am mind blown. This is not normal to me. They would go on vacations to the islands and call them “sex vacations” and go down there and find local hookers on tinder or these shady websites. Or random bars. It was legal in some places so they just hung around. And they would just bang hookers at night. He took this shit international. This is so upsetting to me I cst. Even tell u.
So he lied again. All his friends know. They joked ab it, thought it was cool or normal or whatveer they thought, my boyfriend included. Its almost like he bragged ab it. It’s the middle of the night and I wake him up.
He says yes sorry I lied a lot of people know blah blah blah
Now I ask more questions cause I wanna know what else is a lie
I find out he has had a 3some which he told me no, I find out he has been to 4-5 happy ending massages which he told me no, and I found out that he paid one girl (a porn “star” no less) $800 for one fucken hour when he told me the max he ever paid was 500. $5 is bad enough. But hundreds? Almost a thousand ?? Pathetic.
So many more lies coming out. So many more disgusting facts about him. I am struggling so much.
since meeting me he has most definitely changed. I saw him tell his friends he can’t go on those trips anymore cause he has me. So I’m not scared he’s gonna cheat. But the fact that there is this much disgusting and let’s not forget illegal shit in his past… it is so much for me to handle
And on top of that, he had only had 2 girlfriends his whole life. Both only for a few months. He has never been in a long term relationship in 48 years. He ran from commitment. He lied ab his past relationships making him seem more than they were so he seemed more normal. He said they lasted a year. He was in love once before. The one met his mom. None of that was true. He’s never been in love they both only lasted a few months . He never wanted marriage or kids. He thought a life of hookers and random women was the way to go. It makes no sense to me. I don’t understand how someone can be that way.
I also found out today that he used a burner phone to contact these women for the 2-3 years before he met me. Bc I asked how he contacted them, if he used his regular number. Bc that’s obvi dangerous cause this is illegal. He said for years I used my own phone but then yeah I had a burner phone. I asked when he got rid of it, he said a few months after he met me. He found it in the trunk of his car one day and threw it out. So he fucken had it in his car as he was driving me around for months. The fucken phone he used to contact hookers. I’m sick.
For decades, he never stopped to think ab the dangers to his health (physical AND mental) his family finding out, his work finding out(he’s a fire captain) he’s a smart guy and such a rule follower idk how he was this desperate and stupid that he turned to this I rly dnt. Something definitely wasn’t right in his head
And he says he used a condom every single time, but he’s lied ab a lot in his sexual past so I have no idea.
I made him get an std test and everything was fine but I’m so disgusted.
It’s all just so fucken pervy and gross and makes me wonder why he had to resort to that. What was going on mentally, and also why wouldn’t many women sleep w him for free?? I have so many questions and not many answers and I hate it. I am going crazy.
He also actually was dumb enough to give some of them his social media and I just saw some shit from years and years ago that one of them posted on his Facebook. He’s commenting back to her in fucken spanish cause she doesn’t even rly speak English ab how beautiful she is like ok vomit.
That’s on ur public Facebook. Work people, family… gonna see that. He didn’t care. He never thought he’d get caught. And he never did. Maybe he should’ve. Maybe that would’ve made him smarten up.
He has changed. He’s gone to confession multiple times. He started seeing a therapist recently. I am gonna go to a session with him soon. He has changed and sees the error of his ways. He wants to understand why he ignored all the dangers and spent his whole life doing this. And I need to as well. We need to as a couple. I want us to be able to move on from his past. I don’t want it to always affect me as much as it does right now.
We have talked a lot about starting a family together and that’s something we both want, but I dnt know if I can with this many skeletons in the closet.

I know it’s his past, you can’t be mad at someone for things they did before they met you…. but some baggage is too much. Ladies, would u stay or no?

  1. I’m not a lady but this guy is not normal. Ditch him and find a nice young man your own age. You are in for a world of hurt if you stay. Go.. RUN… NOW!!

  2. Miss, with all due respect, you post history is full of older men an sugar daddies. When you date older men for their money, how do you get over the hypocrisy that they may have paid men for sex?

  3. My goodness, I didn’t think the term “hooker” was still being thrown around with this kind of enthusiasm in 2023. Yikes. My favorite part was when you put down that one sex worker for speaking Spanish, very cool.

    Idk, you should probably stay with him. Your post history suggests that you’re into sugar daddies, so with his history it seems like a decent match and it really sounds like y’all deserve each other. Mazel tov.

  4. Do I stay and love him for who he is now? How he treats me and how we are together and focus on that? I’m honestly not sure.

  5. You’re youg and have lots of time to find someone with far lighter baggage they don’t lie about.

  6. I have nothing against women choosing sex work but I wouldn’t be with a man who used them, especially the international sex trade. It’s too common for women to be abused, underage, or trafficked. The possibility of him participating in something like that would be too much for me.

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