What would your reaction be if your girlfriend was going to see male strippers for a bachelorette party?

  1. If she’s into that kind of stuff she’s not compatible with me then. Time to move on.

  2. That’s a red flag for me. I’m not interacting with naked women, there no need for them to talk to naked dudes.

  3. I’m not ok with it. I won’t be seeing strippers and neither will she, out of mutual agreement. Neither one of us view bachelor/bachelorette parties as a “last time to be single”

  4. Male stripper here. If it is a show or revue (like Chippendales) nothing is going to happen. If it is a male strip club it’s probably OK as long as you trust her friends. If it is a private party (e.g. in a hotel room) all bets are off.

  5. I’ve heard plenty of what goes on at those parties. That would be the end of things if she went. We’re not compatible.

  6. I wouldn’t like that. Have seen a lot of videos in the past of how these parties operate and it’s never good.

  7. Jealousy would be a factor, but more importantly, her interest in that would make me question our compatibility. There is no alternate reality where I’d be interested in a strip club or any other sort of casual sexual interaction. If she was, it would mean we had different perspectives on sex, which is deeply intertwined with all aspects of romance and intimacy. Thus, I wonder whether a relationship could be successful with such a glaring ideological difference.

  8. As a former male stripper I saw a lot of Bachelorette parties. It always went one of three ways. Either everyone gets drunk and doesn’t spend a dime on dancers, a bridesmaid goes for a dance, or the bachelorette goes for 2 songs and leaves with nothing funny happening.

    Ultimately, it’s a matter of what your comfort and boundaries are. If she doesn’t respect them, good luck in the future. But I rarely saw anything shifty when I worked

  9. “Just being completely honest: I’m not really comfortable with this but I trust you. If you need a ride, call me and I’ll try to pick you up”

  10. Surprise but also amusement. Wife and i have talked about how strip clubs would be super awkward. We both don’t like interacting much with people paid to pretend to like us. It’s creepy. Plus wife is very much a books and asleep by 9 type of woman

    So i’d be pretty sure she’s being dragged there out of obligation and will hate it. Which i will find mildly amusing and will tease her with a strip-tease of my own pale flesh when she’s got home and had a bit of time to recover.

  11. It depends on location. A hotel room with questionable friends or friends you don’t know? Or at a commercial strip club?

    Bur generally, I’d be like, “Have fun, lemme know.”

  12. The amount of naive clueless guys in the comments is astounding. Y’all need to get a friend that was/is a male stripper and ask him what happens at bachelorette parties.

  13. My wife and I said no strippers. Thats not our scene anyway and we are very attracted to eachother so we aren’t missing out on anything

  14. Frankly, have fun. Look, but don’t touch. If you mess up my trust, it’s never going to be fixed, so just keep that in mind.

    I’ll even give her money to play with. But anything more than putting it in the speedo and you are done. If that penis makes contact with your body, the relationship is over.

    Boundaries are set. It is your choice of whether or not you respect us.

  15. Going to a strip club BECAUSE you’re getting married is the most fucked up tradition lol I honestly don’t understand it in the slightest.

    I understand OP isn’t the one getting married but I’m still fucking confused as to why strip clubs aren’t seen as a singles only activity.

  16. I’d laugh my ass off because it wouldn’t be her scene at all, and the thought of her sat there being all awkward would be too funny.

  17. I have two buddies who are male strippers and they told me that at a “privet” party shit gets really wild, and at least 50% of the time someone cheats…and by cheating I mean women wearing wedding rings will suck them off, have sex with them, fiancés cheating, basically, he told me that women are animals at these things and after a couple glasses of wine, all bets are off

    My one buddy told me that a lot of women have a weird fascination with giving blow jobs but not receiving anything in return…like asking to suck him off, swallowing, and then thanking him after lol

    At an actual strip club, it’s less likely to happen but they told me that women often try to go home with them…but its usually just a bunch of drunk women screaming and going ape shit and acting like 12 year olds at a backstreet boy concert lol

  18. Have fun, baby. Give me a call when you’re on your way home so I can be up and waiting for you….

    She was invariably horned up afterwards. I’m more than willing to take advantage of that situation

  19. Same as a woman’s reaction to her boyfriend or husband going to see strippers for a bachelor party…

  20. If I trusted her, I’d be cool with it. If I didn’t trust her, she wouldn’t be my girlfriend.

  21. If my girlfriend ever went to a male strip show id have a new girlfriend in two weeks.

  22. Jfc, some comments.. Male striptease for a bachelorette party is some sort of stand-up, it’s funny and entertaining. I went to a male striptease for a bachelorette when I was married. It was super fun and we had a good laugh. My husband didn’t say anything at all, probably made few jokes. I don’t remember his reaction because it wasn’t an issue at all.

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