me and my sister were trying to discuss this lol. if you think my question is common sense, i’m sorry 😭😭 educate me if needed.

  1. This doesn’t totally answer your question but it’s sort of relevant.

    It’s a misconception that height/weight have an impact on vaginal size/depth. The difference according to this study is so small, like fractions of a centimetre.

    AFAIk, the tightness has to do with the strength of your pelvic floor muscles, which you can train.

  2. Speaking from someone who has a penis and has fucked women of all different sizes, I’ve found that with bigger women just because of the physics, typically you can’t get as deep. But tightness and feel? The same. I will say that all the bigger girls I’ve been with have all been VERY wet. Not sure how the math works on that, but yea bigger girls have always been extremely wet in my experience. As for thinner women, due to physics you can get deeper for sure, but also that’s not always a good thing, I’ve had my fair share of thinner girls complain about hitting the cervix which can be very painful, and thinner girls in my experience can also have a little bit of a dryer feel. Not universal for sure but maybe on a case by case basis the average trends towards not as wet as bigger girls. Thinner girls are also easier to do difficult positions with so everything as it’s beauty yk. Definitely wouldn’t say one is BETTER over the other: but I have my preference and as do other people. 👍🏼

  3. In my experience, thinner girls allow for a deeper penetration. But I seem to not enjoy it as much, I last longer, as in twice the time or even three times longer when I am with thinner girls. Sometimes I make them orgasm multiple times and I am not able to cum even tho I am enjoying it. But with thicker girls even tho I don’t get a deep penetration I enjoy how wet and tight they feel and I cum sooner. Usually thinner girls are best for trying different positions. But in my experience thicker girls are much better at giving a BJ they seem to enjoy it more. I prefer to perform cunnilingus on thinner girls more than on thicker girls. Having said that I don’t really have a preference for body size.

  4. The pelvic size isn’t necessarily related to weight. Like women that have become bigger over time. There pelvis size is the same as it’s always been, they just have more fat on their body.

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