Do you think adults who plays video games are immature? Why or why not?

  1. No as long as you still do your adult responsibilities and not make it your life. My husband and I like video games but we still have a life outside of that.

  2. As long as you have a good work to play balance. Once your responsibilities are done and you play it’s fine but if you spend all day and night playing and forget your responsibilities and goals then yes it’s immature

  3. If they manage the time spent, no. It’s a way to have some fun. The issue is when they only wanna play.

  4. Nope. It’s a hobby like every other hobby. It’s how you do it that matters.

    Spending a few hours per week to play after you’re done with your responsibilities and priorities? Normal.
    Playing 20-30 hours weekly, neglecting your work, housework, partner, family, children because “I can’t pause online games!” -> addiction.

    Getting frustrated “darn, this match/boss is difficult, I have died like 3 times already”? Normal.
    Getting angry, yelling and cursing at your teammates, throwing your remove,…-> not okay.

  5. No as long as you do all the adult stuff you are meant to, enjoy yourself and if that means gaming then go for it

  6. It’s perfectly fine to have fun doing anything really if it doesn’t negatively affect your health, hygiene, social life, and finance, and if it also doesn’t hurt anyone.

    immature vs. mature is about balance and keeping things under control. i think when people get consumed by it to the point where they get smelly, spend money they don’t have, become withdrawn and strange etc is when it gets immature.

    i mean you could also be immature and not play video games at all so there’s that.

  7. No, it’s just a hobby. If you become addicted to the point that you’re neglecting other important parts of your life (family, friends, job, health, hygiene, etc), then obviously that’s a problem, but the issue is the addiction, not necessarily the video game itself. Most people who play video games have completely normal and healthy lives outside of them.

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