how do men dress so fast lol?

  1. It’s not a difficult process and like me I assume guys have had years of practice getting dressed

  2. We already know what we are going to wear.

    We put on what we had already decided to wear.

    We do not change our minds and try on 4 additional outfits before going back to outfit #1.

    Our shoe choice is also predetermined. ie. dirty/muddy = boots

  3. We know what we want to wear immediately or we just wear the same thing from yesterday, lmao.

  4. Because we don’t waste time with other things.

    Because we don’t fib about when we’re ready. When we say we’re ready, we’re ready.

  5. limited options. jeans, t shirt. all my t shirts match my jeans. don’t have to match anything or come up with an outfit. everything works together

  6. I don’t own anything that doesn’t go together.

    Simple color pallette and standardized expectations for dress make it easy to grab a couple things and go. Add in no makeup, hair too short to style, etc… And there’s not much to do.

  7. The better question is why do women waste so much time getting dressed? Already isn’t enough time in the day, let alone waiting heaps of time in the morning.

  8. because we don’t try on 47 different combinations of stuff trying to figure out what color codes or looks the cutest. Need to go out for groceries? grab random shirt, grab random pants, off we go.

  9. Mainly it’s because we don’t have a ton of clothing options like women do.

    For most men, it’s jeans/pants and a choice of T-shirt, button up, or long sleeve shirt.

    Also since most of us don’t put on makeup, that shaves off a ton of time.

  10. Putting on a t-shirt and jeans can be done in less then a minute. Even suit can be put on in under 5 minutes. Also we don’t usually wear makeup and on average have less hair to deal with.

  11. There’s only one or two ways to put on a pair of pants and a shirt? I mean it’s not hard.

  12. I pretty much only own clothes that I am willing to wear every day. Therefore I just grab the top set of clothes and put it on. It isn’t that hard.

  13. I’ve seen women get dressed and spend most of the time picking out different clothes and then trying them on, Looking in the mirror, asking other people if it looks good, going back when about to leave to change again.

    When I get dressed, I just make sure it’s clean and put it on.

  14. Because I just need to throw on a Tshirt and a pair of pants/shorts and I’m ready to go.

  15. Sleep with socks on. Put your feet in the foot holes and pull your pants up. Buckle your belt and throw your t shirt on. Boots on, and out the door I go. After brushing my teeth of course. I get up at 4 am for work. Every second of my time is precious.

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