My fellow Americans — how do you like your bacon?

  1. Fried and crispy. I cook 5 pounds at a time in my wok and freeze what I don’t need immediately.

  2. I’m a fan of my Baconizer.

    Some stupid bullshit my wife saw on an infomercial years ago and wasted my money on. But I will admit the Baconizer manages the perfect balance between crispy and chewy bacon.

  3. I bake it on a cookie sheet in the oven. I like it for breakfast. I like it on a BLT. I like it on a tossed salad. I like it on a cheeseburger deluxe. I like it in baked beans. I like it on a club sandwich. I like it in 24 hour salad(cauliflower, bacon, mayo, sugar, lettuce). I like it as a wrap like jalapeno poppers or Rumaki. “Looks up from scrubbing the floor – that’s about it”

  4. Unadulterated. I don’t need bacon in chocolate or Bloody Marys. I don’t need it candied or seasoned. Just give me bacon, crispy or chewy.

  5. If I’m just eating it by itself, nice and chewy is preferable. But in like a sandwich or burger, I prefer crispy bacon.

  6. On the crispier side but not well done. Like it should still have a little bit of flexibility

  7. Crispy. The crispier the better w/o being burned.

    And definitely not like Russian bacon. 🤮

  8. As my Dad says “bacon makes everything better” so I’ll eat it regardless of how it’s cooked, but if I had the choice, little undercooked, chewy.

    Occasionally at a small “Ma and Pa” grocery store or butcher shop, I’ll find Bacon Ends, and my god I love those too. Like bacon nuggets. Lol

  9. Not soggy. Like a crispy jerky. A little chew but has to break in half if you bend it.

  10. just barely crispy, but I am not picky as long as you don’t burn that stuff. Its bacon, so heck yes.

  11. Super crispy to the point it’s blackened and burnt. I love bacon all ways, but my dad ruined meat for me as a kid because he wouldn’t let anyone eat the meat dishes he cooked until they were burnt to a crisp. Now that’s just how I like some of them, bacon being one.

  12. Crispy.

    But, really, any way you care to give it to me. If it’s bacon, it’s fantastic.

  13. Crispy.

    It should not be burned, but it should shatter when tapped on a plate.

  14. I know it’s a hot take, but I do not like bacon. I have never liked bacon. So I like it on someone else’s plate.

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