I am a 28F 1 year sober. I have not a single friend. Everyone has walked out of my life I still have my family, but not a single friend in my phone I can call I have no social media anymore my past has trauma all over it. My life has turned around entirely. Where does someone my age begin to look I WFH to so work friends aren’t a thing for me.

  1. There are meetup apps for people to sign up for small activities like jogging, board games nights, or group coffees. I’ve never done them, but I suggest it might be worth a look for you!

  2. 28F and same but i have made peace with it. Let whoever want to enter your life enter and whoever wants to leave let em leave. Never force anything. Do take care of your mental and physical health tho. You’ll attract the right kinda people.

  3. Try a social activity like rock climbing, or Brazilian jujitsu, gets you active and you meet a lot of people. Oh there’s also dance classes too that’s an option

  4. Hey im in the same boat. I’m welcoming new friends. But you can’t be a murderer nor want to harm me in any type of way. I am a woman.

  5. If you want new friends, I’m a little older but if you want I’ll be a friend and confidant

  6. Honestly, there is nothing wrong in this. You are sober now, 28 only. You can start your life again. We meet people everyday in every walk of life.
    From my experience, I have met new people at every age, but I choose not to keep in touch with them and therefore I don’t have many friends
    Start with where you stay, there are few apps which you can try

  7. Download the Meetup app and see if there are groups you are interested in. It was helpful when I moved to a new city and didn’t know anyone (I was also 28f at the time). You don’t even have to go to the meetups. I haven’t been on the app in years, but one time someone in one of my groups posted asking if anyone wanted to go see a certain comedian’s show. I replied and said I’d be down to go. We met the day of the comedy show and hit it off and we’ve been pretty good friends ever since. The app is probably ideal for bigger cities but its worth looking into meetups in your area! Good luck!

  8. Honestly just have to put yourself out there op, staying your room alone ain’t gonna have someone magical becoming your friend. Friends comes and goes in life, it happens, but life goes on.

  9. If in Chicago we can hang out i came from outta state and i have only 1 friend but he’s busy mostly all the time

  10. Everyone has same situation after college. Even in college I had no friends. No need to stress out for this reason.

  11. I’m the same. With the moving it make harder for me. Try to survive in new county just beat me up :((

  12. Go to park, join your local social activities, spend time with your hobbie. I also felt that with time we just find ourselves more lonely than yesterday and I think we have to accept that truth that no one is going to stay with you forever. I kinda feeling relaxed or fine after accepting that. I just have no expectations anymore. Nowadays I just wake up, do my stuffs, play some games or watch movies, go out with my 1-2 friends and that’s my daily thing now. I don’t have a big friend circle neither go to weekend parties nor weekend trips. It’s just me and my thoughts. Just take care of yourself and don’t let your past burdened onto you. More power to you🫂.

  13. 1 you have to put yourself in position to make friends.

    Im also working on finding friends and building relationships.

    So ive given myself an offensive (find and attract) and a defensive (build and maintain) strategies.

    What can you do to find people you like? What can you do to keep them around?

    Make sure you get into the best shape of your life, it helps multiply results

  14. You don’t need friends. You need to be focused on finding a man. You’re already 28 and your time is running out. It’s pretty much already run out for you to find one of high quality. You’ve hit the wall. That’s why you are feeling this way. Hopefully you are attractive and can find a man last minute if you position yourself correctly. If not, just accept it and prepare to live a sad life alone. Sucks to hear, I know. But the truth hurts.

  15. I know how hard it is to make friends as an adult. I’m 25 and only have a couple friends I barley talk too anymore. You’re more than welcome to drop me a message if you just want to vent or chat to not feel alone

  16. Find a club or group for a hobby you enjoy. It starts you all off with something in common.

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