I know some of you are single and maybe it’s comfortable that way. Love is no a button one can press but sometimes I want intimacy, someone who gets me, someone I love and who loves me. But, what I also suffer from is the lack of physical intimacy, the hugs, kisses, touches that I could be getting, that I crave. It’s really hard some days…

  1. Honestly, I have a fwb and we cuddle after. It’s not my ideal, and sometimes I really miss things like cuddling on the couch while watching TV and random hugs, but it at least gives me something while I’m searching for a partner.

  2. Channel that energy into self-improvement; working out, diet plans, trying new hobbies and learning new things.

  3. I’m way too weird to find someone like me and won’t settle for less. I don’t really miss intimacy because i learned to be happy by myself. Of course i would like to have someone in my life but it’s not worth having it if it’s not a person i vibe with.

  4. Having a hard time with it. I’m looking for it, but down in my gut I know I’m never going to find someone, I’m too odd to have a soul mate. Casual sex does not fill of void of romance

  5. Generally be sad and depressed but it’s something that comes and goes so tend to just ignore it as I understand it’s something I have to just live with.

  6. “There’s nothing it nature which freezes yer heart like years of being alone”–Jim Henson.

    After 30 years I have learned that the more you ignore it the less frequently it comes and the quicker it dissapears when it does.

  7. Romance doesn’t play a part in my life, never has really. It’s like asking a blind (from birth) person whether they miss sight. I don’t even know what to miss, it’s an alien concept to me, but I don’t really know what I’m missing so it doesn’t depress me as much as it perhaps should.

    I just got used to being lonely, I don’t really care anymore.

    I just do what I want to do, drink wine, go to the gym, play games and live for myself. And with any luck, I’ll be run over and deleted in the next few years.

  8. I don’t give a fuck. I love myself more than what anybody else can provide to me. The thought of having to rely on anybody else for anything makes me feel soft and not in a good way. In all fairness, I am sociopathic by nature. I never cared to show any love either, with the exception of my mother which I had to learn

  9. I’m going through this currently.

    It’s so hard, I just feel like my weeks are just one big day, then I’m exhausted by the weekend, and I dont want to leave the house.

    Then people ask how I am, so I tell them the truth, but its been the same for the last few months, and they’re over it.

    Im just trying to take care of myself, a day at a time.

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