I made a total life style change of what I was eating and started being more active. I’m down a pretty good amount of weight and body fat. I have to do low impact because of spine problems.

My girlfriend wants to lose weight but doesn’t feel comfortable enough to go with me to the gym.

Is it ok to ask her to do exercise’s with me? I know it can be a sensitive subject. She’s slowly improving what she eats which is awesome.

  1. Yep. Absolutely. You can try to frame it as you needing support and having her with you would be great. Let her know it’s a good bonding experience for the two of you.

    Plus, she’s only your girlfriend right now. If things go sideways, you can still get out more easily than a divorce.

  2. The only way to become comfortable at the gym, is to go to the gym.

    The first day might be the scariest but the next day it’ll start getting easier.

    Maybe ask her what kind of exercise she would like to learn how to do. Is it yoga? Cycling? Rowing, running, weight lifting? That’ll help you know where to start.

    One of the most underrated exercise is walking. Why not make it a habit to go for a walk?

  3. My boyfriend is a personal trainer. I struggle a lot with body image and even though I’ve always been underweight I still look at myself as fat.
    Since my boyfriend is a PT he thinks that working out will solve all my problems. He’s biggest dream is for me to workout with him. I have full understanding that he wants me to workout with him because it’s such a big part of his life. But it’s all about how you say it. If I say I feel fat, he’ll say that I should work out. If I say I’m depressed he’ll say I should work out. He will see me naked and say “I love it when you gain weight because if you workout now you will get a bigger butt than if you were skinny”. We can sit and chill and he’ll say “how much do I have to pay you to workout”. And he’s also threatened to dump me if I don’t workout with him because he wants a girl to go to the gym with. I’ve never been more insecure about my body and I’ve never been less tempted to work out. I’m not against working out together but it feels like I would be doing it to please him, not myself.

    You can ask her of course. If she’s struggling with the subject just be considerate. Let her know you just want a workout buddy and it will be good for the both of you, not that you wanna change anything about her. And don’t push her if she’s not ready to go all in at once.

  4. My boyfriend has also made a huge lifestyle change and has lost almost 90 lbs. He goes to the gym 6 days a week at 4/5 am, religiously. I went with him for about 6 months, i loved it…. Until I started working out with him. We started fighting about stupid shit. We went to Club Fitness, our particular gym has a movie room… It’s freaking dark as hell in there and I absolutely loved it. For an hour I’d just walk the treadmill, then I got brave and tried the elipticals. Eventually I did make it out of the room. I’m now back to no more gym visits as I just can’t get up that early, I applaud him and 100% support it. I do his meal prep, I make sure if it’s date night we go somewhere he has healthier options etc.

  5. Yeah why not? Just say you want her to go with you to show her off so no girls hit on you and make people jealous having hot bodies to show off.

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