Something you may not want your wife to know. A story you never told outside that day it happened. Could be something wild, something dangerous, something you’ve been holding inside. Go!

  1. One time I worked in a call center doing outbound surveys, making less than minimum wage. I ended up pretending I could speak Spanish so I could get an extra $2/hr. None of the supervisors could speak Spanish so I was never discovered. All I had to do was read the script and match up the answers with the multiple choice on the screen. Best part was my accent and pronounciations were so comically bad that people stayed on the phone with me, so I consistently had the highest survey completion rate in the center. Eventually I got promoted to supervisor and hired some actual Spanish speakers, whom I supervised for the next year before I quit.

  2. This is something I don’t share because I don’t want to explain how I managed to get in this situation, even if it is somewhat obvious. I got to sleep with some somewhat popular pornstars, so not like Mia Kalifa, Angela White, or Lana Rhoades famous.

  3. I’ll give a story! So I became a licensed loan officer originating mortgage loans. Did it at a company and was great. BUT I switched companies and realized the darker side of mortgage loans. I got hired onto People’s Bank and they guaranteed the income I was wanting. The dark side is every time you apply for a loan your personal information goes to the credit bureaus. They sell your information. Name, DOB, job title, income, etc. We’d buy your info and call you with shady tactics to make it seem like we were your loan option. Aggressive sales tactics. I made one deal thinking the bank they applied for were us and closed. Left after that. They take the loan and flip it to another company to make money. I didn’t feel right

  4. Another story, Chase bank in Columbus, Ohio. Specifically the credit card division in Westerville, Oh(nationwide). I was just a witness when the FBI raided the building. Spent many years working there. There was an inside scheme to collect your credit card information and sell in bulk to other countries. What they do, you call in about your credit card…the automated system should automatically pull up your account on employee’s screen when you’d call with your personal info XXXXXd out. They’d pretend it didn’t pull up and ask “can I have your social security number?”. “And date of birth?”. They’d be documenting and selling that. Everything else on your profille. Don’t want to dive into their secrets on what makes a customer valuable or invaluable. assume that’s what they were doing anyways, working there for many years that’s the only way to socially engineer and get your info (I’m an IT pro now)

  5. I was pulled out of my body and shown the evolution of all my past lives ,including animals. I was then slammed back into my body and I slowly forgot all the details ,like forgetting a dream when you wake up. I remembered the experience only. I don’t tell anyone because it sounds crazy ,even to me.

  6. Probably my many sexual encounters with girls while in college. I had lower standards back them and stuck my dick in some bat-shit crazy at times. Myself and my guy friends have never been the types to share stories about girls to that level, so I have always kept these stories to myself.

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