I [21F] have been dating my [21M] boyfriend for around 8 months now.

We’re doing long distance right now since school started and I’m just constantly having doubts and we’re having more small arguments here and there (that we usually resolve in a day because we communicate pretty well with each other).

The conversations have become so dull and boring that id rather not reach out at all and enjoy my own time instead. I also get irritated so quickly at him when he can’t understand simple things and says things that are very immature or just plain dumb.
He’s very nice and and treats me so well and when we’re together it feels easier to get along but anytime we’re apart even just a day later ill go back to not thinking about him and just getting frustrated whenever we call or text.

Idk if this is a me issue or just us not being compatible (if this is me being a terrible human being please tell me). We didn’t start with a spark or great chemistry so maybe that could be the reason but i do genuinely care for him so I’m very confused and don’t know how to overcome these feelings.

TLDR: relationship feels dull less than a year in any advice on what to do?

1 comment
  1. >We didn’t start with a spark or great chemistry

    You fuel him and he fuel you.

    Without this connection and being apart it’s normal the relationship dry up by itself.

    No one’s fault.

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