Good or bad, Is it what you expected?

  1. Happier and feeling more stable. My partner does more than his fair share of chores, so I don’t have any extra burdens in that area. He makes my life easier, helps me in my creative endeavours and is always there to support me. If I want more alone time, I can go to the workshop in a separate apartment to work on my creative projects or just chill. I can even sleep over there if I want to but I never felt the need.

  2. Um well I was borderline homeless when I was single because housing in LA is insane, but living with my girlfriend is pretty awesome

    We’ve been together so long I’m not even the same person I was before, I’m not 19 and angry at the world anymore

  3. My husband is my best friend. So we have fun together. We talk everyday about everything, about our problems, about our life. He knows me like no one and he helps me get perspective when I need, he allows me to be vulnerable, he listens to me, and I do the same with him.

    We also support each other’s dreams and wants, so I believe we are further in life because of this mutual support. We both came from nothing and we are achieving all of our dreams, and I believe our partnership was vital for that.

    He makes my life harder in some aspects, and easier in others, as I believe I do with him…

  4. Been together almost 5 years now. He’s my first serious relationship and it’s been amazing. Had our ups and downs but he is always there to support, comfort, and encourage me. He’s also helped me immensely with my mental health struggles and is my rock.

  5. I feel truly supported and have help when I need it. A good man makes you feel safe 🥰

  6. I have someone to come home to. A reason for doing my best and not giving up. I have someone who will do stuff with me, and for me. I know I can rely on him when things get bad. I feel save, and loved, every day.

  7. I’m a lot happier and more mentally healthy. Its definitely a weight off my shoulders to know that no matter what I’m struggling with or whatever is stressing me out I have someone there for me.

  8. My partner moved 3000 miles away so I feel lonely almost all the time and I’m too emotionally invested to want to leave. 🙃 When I was single I was free to flirt when I was feeling lonely and not have to answer to anyone. I’m at a point where I want to build a life but doing it long distance is no fun. Now I’m lonely and can’t find physical comfort in someone closer as long as I continue in my current relationship.

  9. My husband is my rock. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy being single but the love, the care, the simply being THERE and safety my husband has given me is beyond anything imaginable. He makes me a better person.

  10. I’m more attractive now, I have a healthier lifestyle, I have the nice things I want because my partner really goes out of his way to make sure I don’t go without. However, I do feel like I have less freedom in my choices, not in a controlling sense but more like a “my actions affect you” way so I can’t be as spontaneous.

  11. my life got easier in a lot of ways. also i finally have someone i can talk to who wont judge me when i need to talk to them, and who i can rely on when i need help or advice on something. when i was single things were really hard bc i had to do literally everything alone but getting in a relationship made my life a million times easier

  12. I have always been in fairly long relationships so I can’t remember being single at this point. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years. I absolutely wouldn’t want to be without him. It’s cliché but he is my best mate too. As well as all the sex/love etc we go out raving together still. He is perfect for me in every way! 💖

  13. Its honestly a little more chaotic. He stays up all night, I like to sleep early and wake early. He quit his job to go to college and get a better paying job. I was alone for 28 years and I had my own habits and routines. It’s fine, it just makes me more tired.

  14. weekend seems nice. i got someone i like to spend time with me experiencing things. we’re a little bit homebody so just cuddling watching movies and eating snacks is enjoyable enough.
    i take safety and comfort in knowing that there will be someone out there that cares about me.

  15. For me, more stable and fulfilling.

    That’s less about me being single and more about who I chose to be in a relationship with.

  16. other men actually respect the answer “no” when they hear I’m not single, if I was single and say no they’d insisting and keeo going, dont accept a no.. its annoying when they respect another man but not my word

  17. There’s pros and cons. I love having a partner. We share the load and I always have someone to talk to, someone on my side. My problems are his problems etc… but, simultaneously I miss my space and alone time. Sometimes I really crave that.

  18. More busy, but more happier and stable. Social opportunities have tripled. We are usually coordinating with multiple social groups to get something done.

    There is a sense of awkwardness because you can’t relate to single friends any more as much – for example going out for NYE feels weird without your partner but bringing them would also make the dynamic weird

  19. I feel comfortable and settled. We’ve been living together for quite some time now and I can say that he’s been there to support me in any situation.

    When I was single I was solely focused on building my career. Of course. I did date but I wasn’t in a rush to find the one. Settling down wasn’t part of the plan at the time. I wanted to have fun with friends and experience new things as much as I could without any commitment. Clubbing, lounges, and traveling with girlfriends were something to look forward to.

    I wasn’t expecting commitment but when we started dating I definitely felt strong chemistry with him and still do to this day.
    Nowadays, clubbing and those things dont interest met as much. Most of my traveling and activities are done with my SO like hiking, cafes, eating out.

    I don’t need him but I’m glad I’m sharing my life with him since we see each other as equals.

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