Basically what the title says

We experienced something shitty (involving sexual activities and police in the middle of the night) a few days ago and it left me really traumatized, and I couldn’t help but kept thinking how I might get raped or sexually assaulted at anytime in the future & how unsafe this country is in. At the incident he was really reliable and made sure I was safe, and handled the whole thing. But after that I couldn’t eat well or sleep, and I took leave from my work.

Today I finally lost it and cried hard, but my mind was like a scrambled egg.
He tried to talk to me and comfort me at first, asked that what I was thinking and would want to stay with me and support me. So I told him that I was thinking about how one day I could be one of the victim too.

He started acting cold after hearing that and being really distance, and I felt really unsafe/unprotected by him. I asked him, why your attitude changed?
He told me that if one day I was raped, he wouldn’t know what to do and he will reconsider our relationship at that point. He said that he’d feel like as if I’m tainted by someone else… I feel really helpless and broke down after hearing that (I have existing mental health issue)

And now we’re avoiding the conversation, but I really don’t know what to think about that discussion. I really do love him and I know he really loves me too, excluding this discussion, he’s a really sweet and caring and reliable person at all aspect. I just don’t understand why is that he would say such cruel things to me. I’m tired and torned apart inside. I have no friends of my own neither or any trusted family member to talk about this.
If you’re reading this, please give me a piece of your mind or advice. Please. Thank you

TLDR: I was scared and expressed the fear of one day becoming a rape victim to my boyfriend, seeking for support but instead he told me he would reconsider the relationship and couldn’t accept if I had sex with a random guy (he didn’t name it rape). I need support.

EDIT: it’s the middle of the night now like, 1am but I’m up reading all of your replies. Like literally all, so I acknowledge all of your comments. I am also much more calmer and back into my normal brain mode now.

I would just like to give more details because I saw some confusion or doubts regarding my post.

I didn’t give him THE death sentence after what he responded with towards my hypothetical question. We talked a lot but the more I ask, the more I am confused and scared. His initial response was “I would take care of you but after making sure you’re okay, I think I would most likely break up with you. I would just be really sad because I couldn’t have sex with you anymore without looking at you in a way that just haunts me.” I asked for clarity and he said “It’s just wrong to imagine you being destroyed by another guy and, I dont know, I would really have a hard time even just to see you”

I asked him, “Can you imagine if it was your daughter that gets raped? What would you do or think?” He said that he would be so protective and would want to unalive the rapist. I asked him but why the different response if it’s your girlfriend? He couldn’t answer the question and I did not force him to answer me.
Note that all these conversations were done after I was done crying and it was under a calm manner, I was not screaming at his face.

And I asked him, do you think being raped is as same as cheating? He said, no, but it is very bothersome for him to stay with someone who was fucked by another guy.
I said that it is not even sex and calling it fuck is invalidating. It is abuse and it is violent. He kept repeating “I know” but I don’t think that he really understands what I was trying to talk to him about.

Basically what I wanted to talk about is that if he’d still be with me even if something bad happened like rape, which could very much happen some day. I was also a victim of sexual harassment but I haven’t told him that, and now I feel really hard to open up to him. We are together for 3 months by the way.

I wasn’t forcing him to give me certain answers so I can stop my bullshit, I am someone who experienced something very similar and wanted to make sure this person I am with is going to stay with me and protect me, care for me even when something painful happens. Which what I received was absolutely devasting because I loved this man to death. Just a few hours ago I was debating with myself if this is a deal breaker and if it’s just the uncertainty + confusion since it’s a made up scenario, but the thought inside his head was enough. Nothing can justify the thought of being raped = unpure/disloyalty. And that is what exactly he told me. Oh yeah, he also said that “this is why I don’t want to do difficult conversation. Now we have a wall between us.” And I felt like that could mean so much things.

Aside from all these, this was the last straw for me and I don’t usually use reddit unless I’m in huge distress. He also ask a lot about my past, goes through my old message record and get mad about how I could talk about poetry and stuff that he doesn’t like or invest time in easily with my other guy friend (ex friends). I’m more of an artistic person and more of mental fulfillment seeking person and he is the kind of who don’t invest in personal growth or mental wellness. He is also obsessed with knowing if I had sex with my other ex’s ( I didn’t. He is my first. But he will just ask time to time and I try my best to assure him)

I know that he’d been insecure for his entire life and supported him. I too sometimes get frustrated when he mention his insecurities about his body but I still tried my best to support him and asked him to see a professional for his own sake. But I just cant accept those words what I claim to be vile comes from the mouth of a person I love . I am just having a hard time.

Anyways, sorry for the long rant. I also want to apologize for my messy english, I havent been in my best for some time now. Thank you to those who took their time and wrote supportive words, it really helped out a lot and it assured me that I wasn’t delusional about this whole thing.
I’m not sure what to do now though, he have a major exam coming up and I literally just bought his birthday gift a few days ago that cost a heft. I don;t want to stress him and make him fail his tests and I am unsure what to do with the gift :/

  1. Holy shit! First I’m sorry that you were involved in a situation that left you feeling this way. Second hate to say it but dump his sorry ass now! That you would be “tainted”? WTF! Is this the 1700 or 1800s? BTW I’m a dude and I’m embarrassed by this kind of thinking

  2. If my girlfriend cheated I would break up with her,if she was raped I’d do everything I could to support her. Sounds like he doesn’t see the difference.

  3. Dump him. My husband has married, cherished and loved me – helped me heal even though I am a CSA and Rape survivor. The guy you’re dating is an absolute asshole and not worth your time. Not even a single moment has my partner made me feel anything less than wanted and beautiful and that’s how it should be. Your guy is an immature pos. Respect yourself and get rid of him and this farce of a relationship. If he’d love you, he’d stand by your side through everything and wouldn’t say shite like that. It is simply not true and I wish I could have some chosen words to say to his face. You deserve so so so much better.

  4. I don’t see how you can still stay with a manchild like that!? You deserve better

  5. T… tainted? As though your sexuality and you as a person are consumer goods? What in the sexist fuck?!

  6. “he really loves me too”

    Does he? Does he really? Because someone who loves you would be more concerned about you and your wellbeing if you were ever sexually assaulted not think you’re tainted by your rapist. If that’s your idea of love then more power to you but I’ve got to tell you to me it isn’t.

  7. He’s not sweet, he’s a jackass. You deserve better, dump the loser and don’t look back.

  8. This might be too much information, I have memories of being sexually assaulted as a child, and although I can’t fully remember what had happened and who did it, I did end up telling my husband about it one night because I had a bad dream and remembered about it. Well, he comforted me and said he will continue to protect me as best he could. Then, he told me that while he would rather I never remember since it will be painful, to still to let him know if I ever recall who did it, he will “take care” of it.

    All this to say that I do not believe your boyfriend actually cares about you, if the first thing he’s worried about is you being “tainted” than you having to live with trauma and pain should it ever happens (which I hope not, of course).

  9. If he thinks rape is you cheating, he doesn’t understand consent. Leave before he hurts you.

  10. A half way normal guy would want to murder someone who raped their loved one… not abandon the loved one

  11. He is saying you cannot trust him to stick with you in the worst of times. If he’d bail after a SA, he’d probably bail if you got cancer. I’d ditch him now. There are better men out there.

  12. My best friend was raped when she was 19. When her boyfriend found out he broke up with her. She eventually took him back but guess what, now that we’re adults (27) she realizes he’s a horrible partner for a million different other reasons. Take this as a sign and run.

  13. Screw this guy.

    “He’s so loving and caring, except for if I go through a massive trauma that leaves me the victim of a sexual crime.”

    See how he doesn’t actually sound that sweet OR caring? It’s because he’s not.

  14. He doesn’t love you and only sees you as an object. Dump him, he’s a terrible human being. Can’t believe there are still people like this in 2023.

  15. You need to seek counseling. You cannot live like this, in this fear of what could happen. Your boyfriend said he wouldn’t be supportive, that’s adding to your stress. Good to know, as you don’t need someone who’d just leave when you need them the most. Get counseling, dump the unsupportive boyfriend

  16. “Tainted” if you had sex with a random guy?
    Being raped is not “having sex”!

    This guy doesn’t know the difference between rape and sex and would leave you if you were assaulted.

    Do yourself a solid favor and leave this worthless dude. He has no redeeming value as a partner, much less a human being.
    He’s trash.

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