Men who stayed for the kids what happened when they turned 18?

  1. I tried to “stay for the kids” with a cheating alcoholic. Good for me, bad for the kids that she decided on divorce when they were still middle school (8 & 5). My son turned 18 last Dec but hasn’t spent the night at his mom’s house in over 6 yrs.

    If you are wondering whether you and your wife can reconnect post kid responsibilities, it really depends on the situation and cause for the disconnect.

  2. If my parents tried to ‘tough it out’ and stay together for my brother and I, one of them would be dead and the other in jail. Better for the kids to deal with a divorce than hear you fighting all night.

  3. I was staying just enough for my son to fave an opportunity to decide with whom to live. In my country it is 14. Now he is 16 we are living together don’t know what will happen in two years, hopefully everything will be fine.

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