Federal or local

  1. The IRS and tax system should be overhauled so that you don’t need an accountant or software to file your personal taxes.

  2. I think the government should ban itself. Wrap your heads around that one, fellas.

  3. TSA and IRS. I hate the TSA as they seem to recruit the bottom of the barrel employees who are always dumb assholes that shouldn’t be working anywhere that deals with the public. I’m too young to remember how air travel was before 911, but how was airport security then? Advances in cabin technology and locking of the cabin doors means that terrorists shouldn’t be able to gain access to the cockpit. We can still have security scanners, but have them be a contracted company that can easily fire employees for bad or rude behavior.

    IRS from a philosophical POV. I think we should have what we did before the IRS, where we pay taxes to the state and the state pays to the fed gov as opposed to paying the fed gov directly.

  4. Any of them that refuse to give me an internship for the Spring of 2023 or a job after graduation

  5. ATF needs a severe restructuring and overhaul.

    What other government agency can just change rules and regulations on the fly making people criminals overnight?

    They need more oversight and control.

  6. ATF.

    This is not strictly a “I hate gun control” argument, to be clear. There’s just no reason to have a special law enforcement agency responsible for a handful of unrelated things. (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives). It just creates inefficiency and confusion.

    Roll whatever regulations we’re keeping on firearms/explosives into the FBI and give the alcohol and tobacco to the DEA…..although the DEA is another good candidate for being abolished.

  7. Department of Education. No need for the feds to run that one.

    It has almost a $70 billion budget, it’s incredible. Almost 10% of the US defense budget. And remember that outside of some specialty schools like Gallaudet and a few kinds of grants (aka “here’s your tax dollars back”), the $70 billion ***doesn’t even pay for actual education***. It’s a huge waste.

  8. It takes three times the length of training and hours of experience to license as a barber than it does to become a paramedic.

    One cuts hair, the other literally intubates people and saves lives.

  9. Abolished? TSA.

    HEAVILY overhauled? ATF, IRS, and Law Enforcement (local and federal).

  10. IRS, TSA, ATF, DEA, all on the trash heap. Rolled into other agencies or just dramatically scaled back.

    TSA is probably the most stupid. They aren’t preventing anything, just making travel shitty. Fun fact, the FBI did a test with the TSA many years ago where agents tried to smuggle weapons onto flights to see if they would get caught. None of them got caught, they all snuck knives and guns and simulated explosives in. One of them was able to get a shotgun onto a flight. The reason nobody has done something on a plane with a weapon in yers because nobody has tried.

  11. Well not sure if this counts but I think the patriot act is bullshit and is just a excuse to gain more control.

  12. TSA

    The TSA is a giant, Federal “make-work” program to get money into the hands of folks that are borderline unemployable. It’s “welfare” that we make people clock in for. And beyond that… what they do is completely unnecessary, useless window dressing.

  13. DEA I get – most people here are in favor of legalization and less punitive drug rules.

    ATF – I get that this would really reduce the number of boating accidents, but is this really beneficial? Someone has to enforce gun rules.

    IRS – Is this just anger at the tax man?

  14. ICE.

    I feel like we’re spending money in the wrong place: I mean, the US is SUPPOSED to be the “Land of Opportunity”, but we’re persecuting people who fled their home country because they wanted to live and have a fresh start in a country that wouldn’t shoot them for crossing the street or for independent thoughts.

    Not to mention, immigration courts are SO underfunded that judges are basically forced to bottleneck the number of cases they hear AND cases are fast-tracked, so BOTH sides DON’T get heard ALL the way.

    Speedy? Yes.

    Fair? Far from it.

    It’s the definition of “out of the frying pan and into the fire”.

  15. The department of education. Didn’t exist until 1977 (or right around that time) and it certainly hasn’t improved education nationwide. It just sucks available money for education out of the system. Money goes to Washington, they take their cut and dole what’s left back out. It’s a middleman we don’t need.

  16. As a qualifier: you should only be allowed to answer if you know what the agency actually does? Because America is a nation of amnesiacs, they probably don’t remember when Texas Governor Rick Perry said he’d eliminate the Department of Energy. Little did this bozo realize they were responsible for the nations arsenal of nuclear weapons? Later he became Trump’s appointee as the secretary of the DOE.

  17. ICE, it’s so shit it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. It already has been twice before. The investigative division that actually deals with human trafficking and crime tried to leave ICE a couple times during Trump’s administration because it was so impossible for them to do their jobs.

  18. ICE. A bunch of dirty ass bastards who target and racially harass innocent people.

  19. DHS shouldn’t be able to intimidate people for “anti-American sentiment.” Like, this should be considered unconstitutional.

    Also, abolish ICE. It’s not essential (it was created in 2003,) they’ve shown a strong capacity for abuse, and they’re not even competent.

    TSF is useless.

    I know a lot of Pennsylvanians want the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board abolished (we have weird-ass liquor laws) but I’ve heard people argue for them (generally about liking the state wine and spirits stores or thinking they’re essential to our government’s revenue) and I don’t know that much about the issue beyond them having loosened up a little in 2016.

    Demilitarize the police.

  20. The entire department of Homeland Fucking Security.

    Can we please put those people back where we found them ?

    The worked so much better when they were under departments.

  21. Not one agency but subsidies need to be CLOSELY examined.

    How they are handled in the US are now doing more harm than good and you can make the argument that that’s always been the case.

    If there were no oil subsidies the change to renewable sources would look far more appealing.

    Corn subsidies is why we use corn syrup and not sugar and why animals are fed a non natural diet

    Housing subsidies hide the fact that the while there are many housing problems – a main problem is people vote against expanding construction because it brings their house value down.

    I could go on and on.

    If we got a “subsidy credit” every month but also saw the true cost of things we’d be better off because we could get an accurate look at things and also there would be way less overhead.

  22. -The TSA is utterly useless so they can go.

    -The IRS needs a complete overhaul and more oversight on auditing. Auditing poor people accomplishes nothing.

    -Law enforcement needs an overhaul, demilitarization included.

    -Social Security needs redone top to bottom.

    -Cancel all lifetime appointments to office at any level of

    -Cut the pay for all office holding politicians and representatives. There’s no reason they should be paid so much to accomplish so little.

  23. The ATF.

    They don’t do anything the FBI doesn’t do better other than kill dogs and burn children alive.

  24. State Departments of health and/or human services shouldn’t be abolished, but I think it should be illegal for them to subcontract through religious entities.

  25. The electroral college doesn’t make much sense in the modern day, at least as far as I’m aware

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