I was abused growing up and was essentially silent in public. I’ve been making an effort to be more social but I feel really unnatural and weird and like I’m bothering everyone. How do you know when someone’s not just being polite an actually want to talk to you.

  1. Trust people to be able to take care of themselves. If they dont want to talk to you they can not talk to you just fine. Thats not your responsibility

  2. Hi u/MaiIsMe, I’m sorry you had to go through that growing up and well done for working on finding your voice again and speaking up.

    Know that you will always feel unnatural and like you’re bothering others when you first try this. Instead of wanting to avoid it, expect this to be your new normal until you’re used to it.

    As to you bothering others, that is likely a skill you’re still learning now, so you may bother some, and that is ok. Like u/RobustGoulash said, they can take care of themselves. Don’t let that stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

    You’ve got this!

  3. OP, I’m sorry you that happened to you.

    You mentioned you were abused growing up. You may find these subreddits helpful: r/CPTSD, r/emotionalneglect, r/EMDR, and r/DBTskills.

    You deserve to be happy! ❤️

  4. I wish I had advice, but I grew up like that too and feel you so hard with socializing feeling ‘unnatural and weird’. 😅 You’re not alone. 💜

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