And does your partner encourage it or have a problem with it usually?

  1. I’ll see my friends about once a week, with my wife. We’re in this really good pack of 4 married couples and a handful of single folk that we’re fortunate to see very frequently

  2. My best friends work with me and we usually are doing something with our families multiple times a week like fishing, hik8ng or just hanging in one another’s shop

  3. 3-4 times a week. We support one another maintaining our own relationships and hobbies.

  4. Having kids is what really changed this. Especially having young kids, it gets really hard to make time for friends. Personally I wish I’d tried harder.

    Now with older kids, I get out once a week with friends and am encouraged by my spouse.

  5. Whenever I want.. if my wife wanted any type of control over when I saw my friends and even went as far as to get legit upset if I have a problem with that? Iā€™m filing for divorce.. not dealing with that toxic, controlling shit

  6. Whenever I want to.

    I’m gay tho, so male + male relationships don’t have your typical hetero drama.

    My husband recently went to see the Taylor swift concert thing with his friend. They went for drinks before hand. He was gone for like 9 hours.

    I encouraged it since I don’t care for Taylor swift and enjoy some alone time.

  7. Most of my friends have moved all over the country. The one or two that stuck around??? Maybe once every couple months. I’m very busy.

  8. Pretty often actually. I’ll let the wife know I’m going out and I’ll even invite her. She usually does that passive aggressive go ahead. I know she is mad but she said okay. I come home she is mad at me and I tell her she has no rigjt to be mad since she said to go. If you can’t communicate like an adult don’t be mad at me, it’s a you issue.

  9. Plenty. Everyoneā€™s lives are busier now but I see friends at least once a week.
    Wife is generally supportive and is happy to see them if they visit or for time to herself if Iā€™m off visiting them.
    Try hard not to let friendships slip into ā€œoccasionally send a memeā€ territory and endeavor to have quality time with every old friend at least once a year.
    Making new friends is still fun. Iā€™m very thankful for the people I count as friends.

  10. Once a month or so but I work on a boat. My wife encourages me to see my friends. I also play Xbox with them when I’m home.

    Most of my hangouts are on the way to or from work honestly. That’s when I drive through their state.

  11. When needed , no difference really either way I say where Iā€™m going and it pretty rare these days lol. I used to be very outgoing and ready for the next party after my wife and daughter I rather chill at home most of my days . Once a few weeks or so Iā€™ll have a friend come over or Iā€™ll go over sometimes itā€™s more frequent no set rules just when it feels right

  12. I have a great group of dudes who are all married with kids. We started hanging out on Thursdays at 9pm. That way all the family stuff is done and our wives and kids donā€™t mind. Not everyone makes it every week and it makes for some exhausted Fridaysā€”but it is also some of the best, funniest and most supportive hours of my week. By always having it on the schedule, no questions are asked and it is easy to plan. If you can start making this happen in your life, Do It!

  13. I have about 5 friends and I usually go out with them separately or in a group of 3 every month or so. We go have dinner, go shooting, or have a cigar.

    On an average I am out of the house 2-3 times a month. Add to that I am a member of a Masonic lodge which is like 2 times a month.

    My wife encourages it

  14. I live two hours drive away from them, so not very often. My wife is usually with me when I do. She doesnā€™t mind at all

  15. As parents, we’ve worked really hard to make friends with our kids’ friends’ parents. Parent dating, i guess. At this point, we have a good group of parents that we can hang and drink with while our kids hang out. We even go on vacations together. It’s pretty great. So, with that said, i see friends at least once a week.

  16. Once a year, I take a trip back to my hometown for a week to see the 2 people I call my best friends.

    Not because my wife like…. Doesn’t let me go more or anything, it’s just cuz I hate the town, and don’t wanna be there that much.

  17. Could be often and my wife would encourage it. Sadly, am currently in a dry spell of available friends. šŸ™

  18. Quite a lot, actually, but then, I live incredibly close to most of my friends, and my wife has absolutely no problems with that.

  19. Ugh… my friend and his wife had a baby. We were on a Labor Day party text string invite.

    He couldn’t make it. He sent a photo of his two month old baby. My other friend texted me, did you know they were having a baby? Lol.

    I’m not on Facebook, so I guess I missed that announcement! Lol.

    So, that’s how often we get out. That said, there’s usually a period when people don’t announce. I feel like I saw him right before they announced and I just did not see social media. The one thing it’s good for.

  20. When I was just married? Easily like twice a week like I normally would. But with kids? Shit maybe once a month but all my friends spread around the country since then

  21. Every day! I married her!!

    God dammit, I wrote it down exactly how you told me to!

  22. Every weekend, sometimes 2x a week. No problem from my wife. I just inform her, that in 2 days guys are comming or i’m out, and so if she needs me to do something before she can let me know.

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