You are now the most wanted man on the planet. You have 2 hours before a global notice is sent out. How do you go about evading capture for 2 weeks?

  1. pretty sure i could hide for two weeks and not be found. if i know this is coming that is enough time to pack some things and go to a store for additional supplies. Then i would dump my phone and other electronics with GPS and head up into the mountains.

  2. Depends on where you live. If you can get somewhere kinda remote like Appalachia, 2 weeks worth of water and supplies should do you fine. If you’re in a heavily populated area and you can’t get somewhere remote on 1 tank of gas? You’re probably caught if it’s the government looking for you.

  3. Trim my hair, shave my beard, put on a non-descript outfit and quickly pack a go-bag and suitcase with short term food and supplies. Dispose of my phone and all electronics (20mins).

    Call my close friend who is a pilot, have one of his pilot friends (that I’m unaffiliated with in case his tail # was tracked), meet me in his Cessna at a no longer registered grass airfield that’s roughly 15 miles from my home (30mins).

    Have him fly me to another unregistered grass airfield a few states away to fuel up and possibly grab supplies (50m flight, 20 mins of ground time puts me wheels up before 2h mark)

    From there, fly to a third rough terrain airfield in the middle of the mountains on the Colorado NM border that’s only accessible with ultralights or single engine aircraft. It butts up against an Indian reservation and also has a stream that follows the mountain range through the reservation.

    From there I could take a canoe and lay low for several weeks at the camping sights, trails, and potentially use the res for access to any food or supplies in the case of an emergency pretty much undetected.

    Wouldn’t even have to leave the country and would be pretty much impossible to locate even if they had an idea I was in that location and could do that for months easily.

    Could do the same and get to the Appalachia area on one single flight, but I have a specific flight plan I 100% know would work. You, know for science/ when the IRS comes knocking for tax fraud purposes.

  4. My family survived the Serbian-Bulgarian war, two Balkan wars, WW1 and WW2 in their home away from villages and main roads. I’m sure I could hide out there for 2 weeks.

  5. I live in the middle of a massive desert… I ain’t getting anywhere hospitable and remote enough where I can survive for 2 weeks in 2 hours. My ass is staying home and getting into bed to enjoy a 2 hour nap

  6. Make a Tinder profile and say I am under 5’10”. From what I hear, I’m invisible from there on.

  7. Driving loads of fuel and water and equipments up to the Himalayas with a royal Enfield Himalayan bike, destroying the road on my last trip with a buldozer and then just chilling

  8. I would use the incompetence of my government to my advantage and hide in plain sight.

  9. Stage my own death, change my identity and go some place with a sparse population to start over.

  10. With current technology, drones and satellites, that would be hard to accomplish. Maybe a basement in an abandoned house or something. Or a former bunker, I would have to get a lot of water though, and some rations.

  11. Got a spare license plate so the cops won’t be able to track me (through changing it’s plate). Will steal uh I mean borrow some cash and then will be going down to Austria. Dump the car, spend 2 weeks in some hotel in the alps and wait out my time.

  12. Evade?

    I’m going in head first after them.

    They’ll never expect that.


    Typical human behavior is to want to survive. Me going after them will catch them off guard.

    I can take a few with me to hell. Even one is fine as long as I get company.

    Remember the most terrifying person is the one who has nothing to lose. A guy who’s fleeing, hiding, or anything else is someone who still has something to lose.

    It’s kill or be killed in this scenario.



    You die.

    Might as well go out with my freewill by choice not being hunted like an animal. I still win if I die by my choice.

  13. I would just take a tent, enough food for 2 weeks, a bottle, leave all my technology home and spend the 2 weeks deep in the woods

    If i dont become insane, it should be no problem

  14. Move to a tiny town in the middle of west texas. Not stop at a bucee’s or any other major chain gas station on the way. Nobody would think to look there for two weeks easily.

  15. Being real I don’t think I could. I’m not very physically capable, I have health issues and I don’t really have anywhere to go that’s not really obvious. I’d try to run yeah but assuming I have little to no money I wouldn’t get very far considering I can’t even drive

  16. Bruh, all you gotta do is go to a big city where there’s a large homeless population and live among them.

    Literally nobody knows those people.

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