Me and a girl in my group in one of my uni seminars have been talking and I felt we were getting along. Coincidentally I saw her on hinged and sent her a like with a little inside joke we have. She hasn’t matched me back which is completely fine if she’s not interested. As we will be working together for the rest of the semester, is it worth bringing up to just clarify that I don’t find it awkward or would that just make it stranger?

  1. It’s most likely best not to bring it up.

    If you’re interested in her and want her to know of your interest, so you probe and see if she’s interested back, then instead of saying something like you’re suggesting which I imagine would be like:

    “hey I liked you on Hinged, just want to make sure you notice, if you don’t like me back that’s cool, nbd, just wanted to let you know it ain’t awkward for me”

    You should just ask her out, don’t even bring up Hinged, just be like:

    “May I take you to dinner?”

    If you politely ask them out to dinner with that phrasing then 90% of people will take that as a sign of your interest and respond appropriately based on their own level of interest.

    It’s 100% easily possible to not notice someone liked you on Hinged or not see their profile. I’ve never used that app so maybe I’m wrong, but I have used Tinder, and the way Tinder works there are countless profiles you can swipe through, so you very well may never even see someone else you know IRL even if they liked you, because there are just SO many options. If they have Tinder Premium they can see who liked them, but even then if I recall that caps out at like 99 people so it’s still a lot of work to sift through.

    Tl;dr: if you’re interested, don’t bring up Hinged IRL, just ask them out, and you’ll likely immediately know whether or not they’re interested back.

  2. Consider it an unsaid understanding. She’s not interested, so do not bring it up.

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