I hope my question doesn’t come off condescending!!! I just see this topic a lot, but I don’t hear the specifics.

  1. Because when I’m all in, I’m all in. Don’t like how I talk to that girl sometimes? Cool I won’t talk to her. Also I have a decent job and no debt so I’m not a financial burden and I can handle everything myself without a relationship. Not bragging but I find a lot of things to be very simple. So with that being said I’m not dating some fuck up or someone who can’t get shit done and keep up. That sounds shallow but it’s not.

  2. Because I’m a consistent good decision maker. If you evaluate those around you, you’ll find most make terrible life decisions. Anyone who can consistent make good decisions is a high value person imo.

  3. I can make a woman laugh and then her panties drop. Only been with attractive women.

  4. Not me in particular but, i think a high value man has these traits.
    Finances in order, doesn’t live with parents, has their own car, has a passion, has hobbies, is in their career or at least pursing it.

  5. Knowing that my attention and time are precious, and if Im investing myself in another than they will know it comes from something real.

  6. Eagle scout, Engineer, artist, 3d designer/printer, truck driver, mechanic, armorer, competition shooter, survivalist, carpenter, pc builder….

    And those are just my hobbies.

  7. I know who I am and what my worth is. I’m not perfect but I’m not gonna treat you like shit or lie to you either.

  8. Certain women keep telling me that there’s no good men out there, and I’m going to have a lot of fun when the divorce is final.

  9. I wouldn’t say I’m high value but I hope I’ve made myself to being a good partner bc of my sense of humor and I try to communicate with my partners and be honest.

  10. Rule one. Don’t tell people you think that especially not women comes off cringy af.

    For me I’ve never used that term however I am extremely confident. I workout run daily make six figures off shore own a home and am in the process of starting a machine shop.

  11. Look I’m not pretending I’m perfect.

    But I got my shit together, make good money, have a car, travel and got a decent selection of hobbies and passions. I’m on paper a “high value partner” .

    But I got some shit social skills after COVID hit, struggle to make new friends or meet people, and have no bloody idea how to flirt or develop romantic interest right off the back since I’m demisexual.

    Though I know my own worth, and what I can bring to a relationship. And I know my own flaws. So I don’t put myself through anymore bullshit, and certainly refuse to fight for any kind of attention or play any games. You want me to treat you like a queen? Treat me like a king then. Or else don’t expect shit basically.

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