I was feeling very lonely so I went to a buffet late at night by myself and the waitresses looked disturbed but I didn’t think much into it. The last time i went to a buffet was when i was 13 years old and it was with a church, now I’m 26 and I decided to go by myself because i have no one to go with me even if i was willing to pay. I was escorted to a 2 person table and the waitress looked at me like I was a creep. I decided to just ignore the disturbed look she gave me and eat my food and watch some boxing on my phone. I looked around me to see if there was anyone eating by themself and i saw none because it was mostly families, friends and couples. Is it ok to eat at a buffet by yourself and if not, where can someone that has no friends or social support go to have a good time?

  1. It’s socially acceptable to do whatever you want, with people, or by yourself, as long as you’re not bothering anyone.

    Go to that buffet by yourself

    Go to the movies by yourself

    Do whatever you want by yourself and don’t worry about what other people think of you. They can shove their opinions up their asses.

  2. A buffet is for people to sit down at and eat as much as they want, this isn’t exclusive to groups.

    As for the waitress, your dashing good looks reminded them of their ex.

    As for movies, you are doing a group a favor so that there is more room in the theater.

    Waffle house and other diners are a good place to go if it makes you nervous, you can sit at the bar and eat.

    Go to a restaurant with an outside section, most people don’t use them.

    If you are looking for company recreational clubs exist for adults.

  3. It might not be socially acceptable but I think it’s worse to be rude to a customer than to go anywhere alone

  4. I don’t think the waitress looked at you as if you’re a creep, but was most likely perplexed that you came to a buffet alone.

  5. I’ve been alone most my life. I find it easier to eat at a bar. There’s one person seating. Bar chairs suck, but motel bars often have better chairs and set ups for community sitting. Also coffee shops with food menus.

  6. You might just be self conscious about it and imagining her judgy look. Personally if I’m ever eating alone I’ll always sit at the bar. Bartenders are used to people just sitting alone for a few drinks and some grub. Sports bars are even better since there’s something to look at.

  7. Oh you didn’t ask them if they got the memo,,No? Yeah it’s probably none of their goddamn bidness,,lol. I know it’s a good one ,, yeah the way see it is cash is green humans get hungry if they have an opinion use the memo question! Oh and hey inwas a Gi brat growing up so always the new guy never fit i walk into anyplace like I’ve got the biggest cock in the world and i own it like a boss shoot pool order a drink and if I’m hungry by god I’m ordering some food ,,people are busy with their things if they’re worrying about my life they’ve got bigger problems,.’

  8. I doubt the staff was disturbed because you showed up by yourself to a restaurant. They may have been ready to close and you changed their plans. The staff frequently see businessmen, office workers, hospital staff who eat alone.

  9. Are you asking for great places to go alone, or are you asking where’s a great place to go to meet people who could turn into friends?

    Eat alone all you want. Wherever you want. But it’s less awkward if you sit at the bar.

    As for places to go, museums, book stores, wineries, movies, all great places to check out on your own.

    If you’re looking to make friends, then sign up for activities like sports clubs, pottery, painting, knitting, board game groups, poker clubs. Yo I won’t feel out of place coming alone, but the purpose is to socialize and interact with the other people there, and since they are recurring events, you can get to know people over time, and develop friendships as you go.

  10. Socially acceptable? If you’re by yourself who else’s opinion would even matter?

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