I usually just look away out of anxiety, but should I do something different like wave to them or stare at them back until they look away?

  1. It depends a lot on the situation. More context on that? Are you a man or a woman, age, doing what, where, info on the other person, a lot of variables. Answers can go from turn your eyes elsewhere to go and say hi or more options

  2. haha this is cute. if someone looks at you quietly for a prolonged amount of time, just give them a smile and a quick “what’s up?” to break them out of whatever trance you’ve put them in. lol.

    if they’re talking to you it’s perfectly normal to hold the eye contact for a couple seconds. with intermittent breaks. but if they’re just staring without saying anything they’re the one with the issue and you’re doing nothing wrong lol.

  3. They are either trying to fuck you or they are trying to fight you. Do with that as you wish.

  4. I hate looking in people’s eyes bc it feels awkward so I look in between their eyebrows. Works 100% of the time for me.

  5. If it makes you anxious, it’s totally fine to just look away. You don’t have to wave or engage in a stare-off unless you feel comfortable doing so. Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to eye contact, so do what feels right for you in the moment.

  6. You’re not getting any serious answers so here is my serious answer:

    Just look back at them. If you normally look away due to anxiety then practice longer eye contact with people you know or something.

    It really depends a lot on context, for instance do you know them well? Are you in the middle of having a conversation with them? Is it just the two of you alone? Etc.

    With more context we can give better advice.

  7. Scream “stop staring at me!” 🙂 Ok, that’s what one feels like doing. I just look at the person, then away, them again, etc., modeling appropriate behavior.

  8. Maintain eye contact for a bit, look away casually at random angles, regain eye contact, look away, repeat until end of the conversation

  9. Quickly and aggressively start taking your clothes off starting with your shoes and belt without breaking eye contact

  10. Snooping on your account it seems like you’re a younger male, so I’ll give advice accordingly (if you were female and it was dudes looking at you for example, it’s be a different story. But correct me if I’m wrong).

    I’m also making the assumption that you’re referring to a situation where you’re out in public and not expected to interact with people.

    So what are you supposed to do? Just go about your business. If you lock eyes, just look at them and try to figure out why they’re looking at you. This all but forces you to look at them longer. Then just go about your business and ignore them (assuming you don’t feel that they are some sort of threat to keep an eye on).

    Is it possible they want to interact with you? People often look at someone in order to grab their attention. Humans are great at detecting when someone is looking at them. Even out of limited peripheral vision. So a common way to initiate conversation or interaction is simply to look at a person and hope they look back and acknowledge them.

    I live in a city and walk around a lot and notice people looking at me quite often. I also have a face that can either say, “approach me! I am friendly and very receptive and want to talk” or “fuck off”. I default to the latter, but I can turn it off and suddenly people approach me out of nowhere (I’m a dude for reference). Looking down/away and walking onwards also essentially prevents anyone from speaking to me. If someone approaches me and I don’t want to talk, I just ignore them completely and carry on. You can always use the excuse that you didn’t hear them if necessary.

  11. Maintaining unwavering eye contact often conveys self-assurance and engagement. Respond naturally – a subtle smile or nod suffices. Avoid forced actions; authenticity remains paramount. Your comfort in the interaction is of prime importance.

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