The way I act is just really reserved and shy. I can make conversation but it just ends up dying out. When I try take initiative of the conversation ppl start yawning or acting disinterested. It’s so bad, even IM bored of myself as i socialise. I don’t really know who I am and I’m the opposite of funny. Whenever I try making a joke i just get pity laughs or nothing at all. How can I be more exciting to hang out with? Help?

  1. focus on yourself, find hobbies and interests amd dwell into them passionately. You need to learn to not care about what others think because then and only then you will be able to be yourself and that’s what will make people take interest in you.

    I understand what you mean because I am in that situation still sort of but I’ve changed plenty. When you have common interests with people time can pass easily when talking genuinely.

    Learn to connect with people, help others when in need.

    Ask for favours, when people do stuff for you they connect to you whether they like it or not.

    It takes work, constant everyday work but when you truly start to love yourself people will see it because you will start being positive all the time and that’s addictive.

    good luck, if you need some help message me.

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