Then the next day he got ecoli and now I feel like he thinks I’m a dirty person when I’m not!! I do whipe 🥺 I just didn’t prepare my asshole for that. He said it wasn’t my fault but got I’m so damn embarrassed. Any words of reassurance here or am I just as dirty as I now feel.

  1. If you’re invited into poop’s house you can’t get mad if poop is home. If you break into poop’s house then you REALLY can’t be weird about encountering poop.

  2. Honestly, shit happens. Literally. I had a super embarrassing moment once with anal. I never liked anal but figured I’d try it again with a new partner. Thank goodness he had done it a lot in his previous relationships because he was super understanding of what happened and even cleaned everything up while I died of embarrassment in bed. Thankfully, there are things called condoms and dental dams (condoms for peoples mouths) and you should consider using them. And shower right before sex every time. Sticking a dirty penis in you can give you infections, so I’d make sure he showers and washes everything really well too. Then you’ll both be clean and no need to feel embarrassed. Preparing ALL of down there is important IMO before sex. I don’t wanna go down on a dude who smells like shit or nasty day full of ball and ass sweat. Lol and I know it’s the same in reverse.

    Some people get off on the dirtier/sweatier side of things, and if someone is into that, that’s cool too. But both people have to be on the same page and be okay with it.

    You’re not a dirty person. You just didn’t prepare before having sex. Now going forward you probably will. Lesson learned. 🙂

  3. He stuck his penis in your bum without notice, and now he’s surprised he got ecoli? Does he not realize that’s where ecoli live? You’re not dirty. You’re perfectly healthy. He should have used a condom, or asked you in advance so you could either say no, or prepared. This is 100% on him. He’s the one that was “dirty” for not communicating and just sticking it in there.

  4. He “liked” it? Or licked it? I am assuming licked 👅….

    Not your fault. Don’t toss the salad if it hasn’t been properly prepared.

  5. Lmaoooooo I don’t think he thinks you’re gross. He licked your ass without consent and knew he had ecoli immediately the next day. This is probably a reoccuring issue for him, so if he is cool with it, I wouldn’t be concerned.

    What I am concerned with is the no consent part. He has to ask before doing that, and you should make that very clear. Next time, it might be his penis going in there instead of his tongue, and that’s not ok.

  6. He chose to lick your butthole. He said it wasn’t your fault, which means he isn’t blaming you. And he’s right, it was his choice, and pretty much everyone has ecoli in their butt. So don’t worry about it.

  7. Ecoli incubation period is 1-10 days. So it’s possible, but unlikely that he’s literally at the very low end of it. Probably got it from something else.

  8. Maybe he shouldn’t push for Suprise butt stuff? Suprise butt stuff is always a bad thing.

  9. I feel if you get to the sex part at least communicate what’s off limits. If your not into anal make that clear.

  10. Omg I’d be embarrassed too. But hey you didn’t expect it. I know a friend who if she is out to get lucky she gives herself a enema before she goes out… now that’s a trooper lol

  11. I eat the ass of my wife every day. Yes we have sex every day and she does not prepare her little star every time. Sometimes I play with her poop when I finger her hole and I have never got any illness. I think your friend got it from somewhre else.

  12. There’s no way this is real, right? OP’s whole profile is about fears concerning her butthole not being good enough. What type of humiliation kink is this? I’m either too stoned or exactly the right amount of stoned for this. 🤣

  13. Only a naive idiot thinks ass holes are hygienic and don’t have ecoli bacteria or other health risks.

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