[Previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/ukjq85/girl_always_sits_near_me_on_university_bus_cant/)



I just finished my day at uni and hopped on the bus to return home from campus. I made sure to hop on it just a couple of minutes before it left, so that this time I’d be the one to find a seat near this girl.


So as I’m making my way to a seat, I spot her sitting near the back and she’s on her phone. As I get closer to the row she’s sitting at, I see that she gradually lifts her head up to see who’s approaching. At that moment we make eye contact and I give her this “neutral” smile with my eyes. I’m guessing she noticed I was going to sit on the same row as her, so I picked up on that and jokingly said to her “Is this seat taken?” She reciprocates my smile with an even wider one and says “no” 🙂


At this point I know I just have to say something. I don’t wanna break eye contact with her so I drop my bag onto the chair opposite of her, and as I do so I maintain eye contact for a brief few seconds, then curiously say:


Me: “ I feel like I see you often on the bus… do you happen to be majoring in [my major] by any chance?”

Her: “No, I’m majoring in Chemistry”

Me: Really? I took a couple of classes with professor x as part of my degree. Have you taken any classes with him?

Her: “I’ve heard of him being tough but I haven’t taken any courses with him yet”

Me: Yea he’s a pretty strict grader. Well at least I enjoyed the labs. BTW, are you a freshman?

Her: No I’m a junior (she’s older than me by a year), I only just registered for the bus services this semester.

Me: Yea I kind of noticed you were new. Anyways, if you need anything I’ll be right here (I jokingly gesture to the seat near hers). My name is [name].

Her: (smiles) “Thanks. My name is [her name]”


At this point I make my way to the seat near hers. As much as I wanted to sit next to her, I decided not to. I only just met her and I’d feel that would be too creepy imo. Anyways, for the rest of the ride, I’m listening to music and having a nap, as is she. We both mind our own business for the rest of the ride – business as usual.

As her bus stop approaches, she gets up and grabs her bag. I glance at her hoping she’ll look at me one last time before she leaves. Luckily she does, to which I tell her bye. She replies “bye” too.



I’ve found myself a cute girl to crush over. She’s so sweet and cute. I feel like there is interest considering the whole sitting near me and finally smiling when I talked to her. Could be wrong though. And my impression is that she’s actually introverted rather than shy.

Also, I didn’t want to ask too much upon meeting her. Again, I only just met her. I figured small talk was more than enough for now.


IDK how to play this out as I’ve only just met her. And there isn’t much time left as unfortunately the end of semester is nearing and exams are coming up.
That means I won’t see her all summer (or potentially ever again if she won’t ride the bus next semester)

Note: As much as I’d love to, I can’t really ask her out. Dating is a bit taboo here in our culture (Egypt). Although at university it’s more open and girls are less conservative, it’s still kept on the low and kept quiet between couples. Also, depending on the girl, some might be offended if you’d ask them to grab a coffee at the food hall. I don’t know how this girl feels about stuff like that.

What should I do next?

  1. Nice job. It sounds like you may cross paths often. Remember her name, and try to say hi again if you see her again. You can ask how classes are going, and just be friendly. I don’t know the dating culture of Egypt, but I wish you good luck! Being polite to others often opens doors. Perhaps she already is in a relationship. Then again, perhaps she may have a friend or sister she could introduce you to.

  2. So happy to see an update, you played this well, addressed everything without overstepping or seeming too eager.

    Hope it works out for ya man

  3. This is fantastic! I finally managed to catch an update on a story I wanted an update on.

    I have no idea what the dating culture is like in Egypt, what’s allowed and what isn’t. But the most important thing I can think of is trying to keep in touch with her. Whether that’s asking if you can add her on Instagram, snapchat, Facebook, whatsapp, or idk LinkedIn, whatever it is you use for social media. Or just a phone number. You would know better than me how to approach that subject, even though you’re asking for advice on how to do exactly that. Sorry. Good luck.

  4. Well done. Keep up the polite banter. You’ll get to know each other a little more each time. Build up familiarity, attraction and respect. Eventually, you can ask her about her feelings on dating. “I want to be respectful, are you are girl interested in dating or a more traditional girl?” Take it from there.

  5. I don’t know much about dating in Egypt, as i’m from the US. From what you’ve said, is it weird to ask her for her number? That way, you two can text over the summer. If you can’t, try advancing (?) on her a bit quicker, maybe sitting next to her more often, and making conversations last longer. Hope this helps, and i wish u luck my guy! 🤞

  6. I know that’s exciting. Congrats! Play it cool and mysterious. Good luck

  7. Nice! I read your original post and Im so glad you took this step. This could be the beginning of a nice friendship, or even more. So good luck my friend. Keep being friendly to her but always lookout to see if she is interested in continuing to make conversation. Best of luck to you!

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