Not thinking about anyone specificly, just wondering; What makes a person easy to dislike/hate? For example, what personality traits, hobbies, interest, etc.

  1. For me it’s the people who go about life with no regard for other people or the world around them. You know, the ones who hold up traffic in the overtaking lane, the ones who spit their gum wherever they want, or the ones who throw rubbish wherever they please. Just general ignorance really.

  2. Well, hobbies and interests won’t make someone hateable, although in some specific interest areas you will find more hateable people than in others. Unless it is really hateable interest or hobby, of course.

    I am thinking about a few people that are really hateable, and there are a few behavioral traits they share.

    – lazy and worthless, but very boastful
    – interrupting people all the time
    – trying to one-up you about everything
    – backstabbing

  3. People who make everything political. Like it’s Christmas, gam gams is here, we’re trying to enjoy our family dinner. Shut up already

  4. People who push their lifestyle on others. For example the Just Stop Oil people. I agree with reducing fossil fuel use, but these people holding up traffic are causing more usage and just pissing people off. They are ultimately doing more damage to their cause by being hypocrits.

  5. * Being a sore loser
    * Constant whining
    * Pathologically lying
    * Breaking promises
    * Interrupting people when they’re talking
    * Never paying people back

  6. Just a problematic ass personality In General. If being around you only causes me stress, problems, and headaches, I’m gonna find myself turning my back on you pretty soon. I know it sounds fucked up, But As An Adult that spent my whole life repressing the shit I took from people, I refuse to let anyone else destroy my peace. And I will raise hell to maintain the quiet life I worked for.

    Don’t ever try to treat me like I need anything from you. I’m pretty simple, honestly. If you’re In my life It’s because I want you there. You have only one time to make me feel strongly otherwise before I Thanos Snap you away from me, lol. It literally takes more effort to be a troll than a likeable person IMO, that’s why I’ll never take lightly to assholes.

    Most asshole have sob stories behind their shitty character. Some like to call It their “sense of humor” Some People Are just assholes and have fun doing It. Either way, Check your ego and your bullshit at the door, when dealing with me. You don’t have to be boring or a soft peddled ass kisser, but you don’t have to be a piece of shit either. Because a sensitive little baby like myself Is only gonna return that energy tenfold.

  7. I try not to “hate”. It’s a consuming emotion that hurts you far more than its object.

    That said, if I think of the people I have had to try *really hard* not to hate…

    * Being selfish and aggressive but hiding it under a veneer of real-world concern trolling
    * Self-righteousness and smugness, going hand in hand
    * Being manipulative, successfully hiding that manipulation from third parties and gaslighting those who call it out

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