I’ve been dating this guy for a few months and be ALWAYS finishes fast, by the second he puts it inside of me he does a few thrusts then finishes. The bad part is that he always falls asleep after having sex, so I have to take care of myself because of him finishing fast. I’ve actually been overthinking it recently and thinking that it might be my fault, is there anything I can do? I’m quite stressed over it. I need my satisfaction too

  1. Fleshlight makes a “Stamina Trainer” so there’s that option. Or get him all hopped up on coffee so he doesn’t pass out after the two pump and dump routine.

  2. He may have low testosterone, and have anxiety. I know first-hand. I had the same problem for years. They have gels for low T, and pills for anxiety.

  3. 100% not your fault. Premature ejaculation exists and you could argue that your vagina is actually too good haha. Personally if it were me, I would satisfy you first before the sex. Also, not to bash the guy, yes there is a tiring effect after ejaculation but I can’t see a reason he can’t push through that to help you. Get up and go walk around. Get a drink. Get a snack.

  4. The fact that he knows this is how his body works but he’s not getting you off first?

    I’d bounce. life is too short to waste on loverd who are clueless at best or selfish at worst

  5. My husband used to cum quickly. He started masterbating more often and depending on how late it is he will either get me off first with toys, oral, fingerings etc or we will just plan for round 2.

  6. Communication. You need to tell him what is wrong or he will think it’s ok to act the way he does. There are plenty of things like numbing cream which needs to be applied, and once he is numb you wash it off or you will get numb too. There’s condoms with a numbing cream in them. There are cock rings. He could rub one out beforehand. He could do more foreplay so even if he doesn’t want to do all those things at least you can finish together. Also can’t stress enough, use a vibrator even during foreplay he obviously doesn’t mind you finishing with it so it shouldn’t be an issue before he finishes. I’ve been married 23 years and my wife has some issues due to her progressive MS and I’ve always made sure to take care of her needs no matter what it takes. I love her and I want her to enjoy it as much as I am.

  7. I mean if he’s aware of this & doesn’t try to satisfy you first then I’d be questioning my partner unless you’re fine with it

  8. For the first time in my life, I am with a man who always gets me off at least once before PIV happens because he doesn’t last more than a few minutes. The penetration part may not be long, but he is by far the best sex I’ve ever had. Get yourself a man who cares about your O as much as he cares about his own.

  9. Consider having him get generic viagra from Roman or Hims. The lowest dose – 20mg should be fine to start.

    There’s something about viagra that even though it makes your harder easier, it also makes you less sensitive so you can last longer. Hims is even starting to market it for premature ejaculation. Although I am prescribed it for other medical reasons, I can confirm that it does help you last longer.

  10. Does he ever try to help you finish 1st? I think cumming together is over rated. But he should have you edged at least before he puts it in

  11. I usually don’t last long either, and I often feel really sleepy after. So when my partners and I have sex, we always treat PIV as the sort of finale in a way. Luckily for you, you only have one partner to worry about, so you don’t have the same issues as our little trio does.

    My advice would be for you two to start off with him pleasuring you. Once you hopefully cum and are satisfied, you two can then do PIV. That way, even if he immediately shuts down, you don’t get left out.

  12. Definitely not your fault. If he doesn’t go down on you and make you cum then he is selfish and immature and not worth staying with. Premature ejaculation is something that can be controlled but he needs to put in the work to fix it. And falling asleep right after he’s done is pathetic. You deserve better than that.

  13. I don’t really have a premature problem, but my wife rarely gets off from PIV sex. So I always make her cum other ways we before we move on to piv sex. It works out well because I love to go down on her anyway.

  14. If he cares about your satisfaction, then he needs to help you cum either before or after intercourse. If he’s unable to help you after, then he needs to help you before. Simple as that.

    It’s not your fault, but you do need to communicate this to him and expect him to put in effort every time.

  15. This is not just a matter of being a quick shot, he’s selfish. If your pleasure was important to him, you wouldn’t be posting about it here.

    He can help get you off then get his afterwards.

  16. I never knew how long I lasted till my wife said it was 15 mins to 45mins. All I do is breathe and edge. Breathe edge eat out out back in repeat switch the eat out part to let my dick pulsate and kiss her.im selfish AF and do this for me because it feels amazing. She rushed me sometimes but she says she cums 3-4 times each time.

    Just have him practice edging and breathing.

  17. He is lazy. Communication is key. Be honest with him. Tell him you need your satisfaction too. Maybe agree to the rule. You get to orgasm first. Then it won’t matter how fast he goes.

    If after this he isn’t interested in making you orgasm and won’t change

    He isn’t worth it. Get rid of his arse asap. Because it won’t be just sex where he only thinks of himself

  18. You’re here asking what might be done, what can be done, to be more satisfied. Question…HE ever asked YOU if you are satisfied, if HE can do anything more to make YOU cum?

    If not, all the advice here isn’t going to help because he doesn’t care about your pleasure. Bet this shows up in other areas, as well but that’s another discussion.

  19. Does he wait for your request for PiV?
    You can use a sleeve, use Cialis for repetetive PiV, ruin for repetitive, or even a cage.

    You should take the lead in this, it seems to me he will not take care….

    Women come first is my way of sex…

  20. Premature ejaculation is a thing. Thats a nice little compliment for your vagina 🤣 don’t beat yourself up about it

    When a man orgasms he releases hormones which will cause sleepiness. Not me but I know a few people who just are just outcold by the time she gets back from the bathroom.

    Have you heard of “edging” it basically helps for stamina to last longer. You can wank him off close to an orgasm and stop, wait a few minutes then go back to it, keep repeating.

    Tell him masterbate in the mornings it will help him to last longer at night. I last a long time by this method.

  21. You made the classic mistake. Men go first pleasing the women. Because bless them, they do get sleepy. It’s rather sweet.

  22. Say to him honestly that you want satisfaction before him, because you dont want to stay awake horny when he falls asleep. He can give you pleasure with mouth, tongue, fingers, toys.. you can teach him. Dont allow him to penetrate you before you have got at least 1 orgasm. You might even be lucky and if he gives you lot of pleasure before he penetrate you, you feel so horny that point that you cum at the same time 🙂 I for example orgasm often during the first thrust. Even when only the tip of penis moves inside me.

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