I’m in school on the east coast for another 2.5 years and he lives on the west coast (where we both grew up). I was randomly swiping, not really intending to meet anyone, when I came across him. We chatted and realized we wouldn’t really overlap in town before I left and and I told him I wouldn’t be back until December for the holidays. But then he asked if we could keep in contact and if we could plan a FaceTime to see where this led, which I really loved. So I asked if we could squeeze in a drink and he ended up meeting up with my friend and me that night. It was fun and we seem to share similar values. Then he drove me home and then we made out in the car for over two hours… clothes basically stayed on and it was STILL the best hook up I’ve ever had. Truly magical. I know physical chemistry isn’t everything, but I’m not sure I’ll ever find anything like that again. And I’ve been with a good number of guys lol. I’d honestly be willing to just see him again to hook up even if it didn’t go anywhere, and I’m not the casual hook-up type (at least anymore) so that’s how good it was. But I really liked his personality and how he lives his life too from what I can see. Seems like a happy, intentional, kind guy who wants to help people and someone who I could potentially see myself with.
We texted a little the next day and then I texted him a few days later when I was back in my city. And he asked if we could FaceTime this past weekend so we did Saturday (two days ago). He called me and we talked for about an hour until he said he should probably get his day started. It was nice but felt a little stunted? Probably because we only met once and hard to go from hot and heavy to just a casual daytime FaceTime without any mention of that night? And as we were getting off the phone he did say that was nice and that he wanted to do it again and said he would let me know. So that was two days ago and we haven’t been in contact since then. I get the impression that he’s intentional and also prefers phone calls/video chats to texting and also maybe doesn’t love being on his phone that much? I would text him again this week, but I don’t want to overwhelm the situation by texting too much. And I kind of want to see if he’ll take the initiative to contact me so I’m not just chasing him?
To give more context on my situation, I’m off this school year until late June so I have some flexibility but need to be here until I go home in December for the holidays. When we met in person he was all for visiting me because he has a friend in my city and he works remote, but we realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to make it here before I go home in December anyway.
Is there any hope? How do I keep this going? Is it worth it? Should I kind of lay off to see how he acts or lay off in general until I go home in December?

TL;DR: Met great guy while visiting my hometown across the country from where I live. Had an amazing make-out and he expressed interest in keeping in contact and we have kept in contact a bit. He offered to visit, but we both realized that neither of us have time before I go back home in December for the holidays, so that’s probably when I’ll see him again. I’m currently a student out here for 2.5 more years, although I’m off an have and have some more flexibility from December to June. Any hope/advice on how to approach this?

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