Why do I feel like “life is too short to be monogamous” I don’t want to look back and be like “ damn I wish I fucked that person when I had the chance” but let a relationship hold me back. I know I know, it sounds out there and maybe meaningless but I really do struggle with these thoughts.

I’m a polyamorous person which I unfortunately learned during this current relationship where I am fully in love and invested in this person despite what you may think after having read my intro. I believe love and sex are completely seperate. I’ve rarely had sex with people I have a connection emotionally with. I find it hard to find people I love sexually attractive. Sex is more of a feral thing for me, love and relationships are harder.

Thanks if you got this far. I appreciate any helpful feedback.

  1. I am now, but for most of my life, I was not. For exactly the reasons you are saying. You can do whatever you want, you need to be happy.

  2. It goes both ways. You could just as easily be on your deathbed looking back and thinking “wow I wish I had made a deep connection with someone over a decades long relationship”.

    Life is short and that you just have the one to live which means missing out on experiences. They could all be awesome experiences too but you literally can’t do it all. Go with your gut and try not to hold onto regrets.

    Life is also often long enough that you can fuck around and probably still settle down later. Once someone has moved on though, it’s unlikely you’ll get them back.

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