Why is everyone such a douchebag thesedays?

  1. Whenever somebody says that *everybody* is a douchebag or a cheater or a snitch or whatever, it usually means it’s time to either check the company you keep or reflect on your definition of a douchebag. Because it’s not supposed to be normal.

  2. If you meet one douchebag in the morning, you met a douchebag. If you meet douchebags all day, you’re the douchebag.

    Bro, I get it – sometimes you just gotta slam on ‘Break Stuff‘ by Limp Bizkit and just get mad. It’s just one of those days, sometimes!

    Source – sometimes I meet douchebags all day. And then I need to check myself

  3. Those people were treated bad too or have shitty lives themselves.

    Hurt people, hurt people.

  4. Because hyper-corporation–capatilism has fucked the world to the point we’re just a bunch of stressed, tired and hopeless apes who’ve created a system we can’t get out of. So we lash out at our fellow stressed, tired and hopeless apes because it’s something we can control.

  5. Huh…. most people I meet in real life are actually cool chill people. Douchebags are a rarity to me.

  6. If you’re using the word “everyone” then you need to either check your friends or check yourself. Most people are nice, or at worst, indifferent.

  7. These days? From a historical perspective, people seem quite nice and gentle right now. At least in the West.

  8. Because that’s the culture and mindset we have been nurturing since the 60s and the overexalted counter culture movement.

  9. You know how every generation complains about the one after them, and we’ve always laughed it off as “haha, old people just don’t understand. They’ll grow up and be fine.”Maybe that’s the right attitude. But, Maybe, just maybe every generation did get a little shittier and self-absorbed and lazy. Maybe we have gotten slightly worse but now after centuries of this, humans are reaching the critical mass of self-centered laziness.

  10. If this is what you’re always experiencing, maybe you should look at the one common in these encounters. Because I rarely ever experience this, most people are at worse neutral, mostly friendly.

  11. Because the narrative is feck over everyone to be on top. Pretending your life is perfect, with the best stuff, and the happiest most content life. Until you realise that being on top is a lonely pathetic existence, and it’s actually more fulfilling to be nice and empathetic.

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