My wife F29 and I m28 were talking and come to find out she only enjoys MFF threesome porn. I think that’s great and glad she enjoys it! Asked if she ever wanted to act on it and she said no. She had zero interest but was insistent on that being the only porn she enjoyed. I feel as if she may be ashamed to act or admit this to me. What is everyone else’s thoughts?

  1. I generally think the healthiest relationship dynamic is believing what your partner tells you.

    but in this situation, what I would recommend you do is to say something like this: “I really enjoy watching this kind of scenario with you and while I know you’ve said you’re not interested in exploring it in real life, I would at least be open to talking with you more about it if you were. the door is always open for that conversation if you ever want to have it but if you don’t, that’s totally totally fine.“

    Basically what you’re doing is extending a no pressure invitation to her. If she actually is secretly harboring this fantasy as something she wants to try then you’re giving her permission to bring it up when she feels comfortable.but likewise, if this is really just a fantasy scenario that she has no interest in pursuing in real life, she just won’t never bring it up and then you can just leave it alone.

  2. No, this sounds reasonable. We can find things hot in porn that we don’t want to try in real life. Fantasy and reality are separate things. Your wife probably does find the image of two women and a single man to be exciting, but she is probably also aware that it can seriously alter relationship dynamics. She might know herself well enough to know that she probably wouldn’t be able to help feeling jealous and hurt if you ever tried this together in real life. But, on a screen, with other people, it is still a sexy image.

    Be there for her. Encourage her to keep exploring things she finds sexy. Don’t try to push her into something she is uncomfortable with, but make sure she knows that you are ready and willing to support her if she ever changes her mind in the future and wants to try something out.

  3. Your wife likes the idea but reality is different than fantasy. She might like the fantasy of doing it, but actually seeing you with another woman might not work for her. Bringing different sexual partners in often comes with feelings and complications. Just trying to find someone comes with fear of rejection, actual rejection, shitty people, etc. So yeah, she likes the idea, but she also may have a realistic expectation for what the reality could be…

  4. It might be a way to subtly communicate to you what she wants.

    I’ve asked bfs what porn they watch so I could show them the porn I watch and clue them in on what I like. I found out my current bf was serious about hotwifing when his entire porn history was hotwifing.

  5. Dude you are engaged in wishful thinking.

    Lots of people like to see things they would never engage in. She said “no”, you just have to accept that.

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