This gonna be quite long but bear with me. I am currently in a situationship with this one guy, and its been 2 months so far. At the start we would meet up once a week. During those times, we would grab food and then do the deed and he would sleep over in my place. Moreover we would text each other consistantly But then he mentioned about his parents are really strict and they want him to take care of his younger brother. So instead of meeting once a week we started to meet once in two weeks. Despite the shift in how often we both meet up, we were still texting consistantly meaning a couple times a day.

However, recently i felt the vibes were off. He tells me that hes going to see again, but then doesnt make plans in meeting me, he started texting ne less. Instead of texting multiple times a day he only texts me once a day or sometimes doesnt text me at all until the very next day.

This got me to overthink whether if its because he found out that i have been seeing other guys behind his back even after reassuring him that i am not seeing other guys than him, cause of course he would ask me that question all the time.

At first, i didnt like him that much, i only kept him around because hr was fun and have a good personality. But he wasnt the type of guy i would go for apperancewise. However, with time i started to feel things for him .I started to panic because i knew that this situationship was bound to end. Situationships are not meant to last.

Thanks for sticking through the whole story and any help, advice, insight will be appreciated :,)

  1. If he knows you’ve been lying to him, he should cut all contact. That’s what I would do. You should move on and not lie to the next guy.

  2. I think you might have left out the part where you cheated or whatever. It’s not clear to me either, you said you were exclusive?

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