I recently started thinking about something that makes a good banter and makes things more safe for anyone.

We all know at the end of day, bantering is more about playful teasing and making both parties have a good laugh at the end of the day. And that is push part of bantering.

I think there is a pull part of bantering where aside of the pulling legs, is actually affirming and complimenting the person. That bit is the bit that makes people gassed up and makes them want to come back for more and helps everyone regardless if the person isn’t even more of a banter.

Some people don’t need much affirming and actually laughing does go a long way but for some people (especially people in relationships where there is more emotions) aside from maybe laughing at the joke, if there is anything that didn’t fly well, affirming the person like “oh you know i’m just pulling your legs babe, I do think you are cute and I love you”.

Throwing in a quick compliment does help go a long way, and it doesn’t hurt anyone at all or doesn’t make any “less banter-y”

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