Edit: I guess I forgot to add

“And how do you feel now in comparison?”

  1. Pining over a guy, dropping out of college, feeling worthless, working unsatisfying part-time jobs, and of course home during covid. I’m glad that chapter of my life is over tbh.

  2. Worked 2 jobs while going to college, so I missed the boat on The College Experience™️

    But I got married at 21, so I had a great partner to do it with

    Started career at 23, bought a house at 24, worked into a great set of married friends at 26, got into running at 27. Around 26 my taste in music changed to include a lot of other stuff.

    Traveled to Korea at 27, Hawaii at 28, struggled with infertility throughout our 20’s. Started being foster parents around 27 as well.

    I’ve had a blessed life, couldn’t ask for more.

  3. Driving very fast, having as much sex as I could and getting into trouble, and working 80-90 hours per week.

  4. Currently in my early 20s
    Getting shit wasted, smoking pot and not really giving a fuck about my life atp. C’est la vie

  5. Started off rocky. Ended up going to a program that helped me with my interview skills and landed some internships and made it into a IT Program that helped me get a CompTIA A+ Certification, went back to school and had a girlfriend. My early 20’s was probably where I was the most happiest.

    Now I’m just single, depressed but hey at least I still have a job.

  6. My 20s was the 90s and it was packed decade. Started out married and became a widower a year later. Went through a rough stage of drink and pointless relationships and one night stands. In the middle bit of the decade I discovered clubbing and EDM music, so a lot of that bit is fuzzy. Ended the decade by meeting my wife and starting a family.

    Career wise I was totally directionless and lucked from one job to another. Mainly sales jobs so I was fairly well paid for my age.

  7. Rapidly wrapped up school so I could start working, get my own place, do what I wanted, which was basically being a nerdy nerd reading books and buying a lot of music.

  8. Building my company with my wife while traveling around the country selling out clothing designs at music festivals. Now we’re 30 and looking at opening a store. Lived life to the fullest and still do.

  9. Working my ass off in college just trying to get the C-Degree, and then spending a couple of years working at some soulless corp. That wasn’t all bad, but everything turned better after 25. I bought a house, found a job I actually like, and got more involved in my local music scene.

  10. Establishing myself in my career – moving around and changing roles to find a good fit, then getting further along that path.

    Building a strong financial foundation by paying off my student loans early, establishing good money habits, and investing.

    Moving in with my now-wife. Having a vibrant social life and doing lots of fun stuff together.

    Playing lots of basketball and having a great time with friends.

    Saving up for, planning, and having our wedding and honeymoon.

    Buying a house and starting a family. Turned 30 a few months before our son was born, and that was my 20s.

    I think we nailed it overall. I wish we got to travel more, but COVID happened literally weeks before a huge trip we’d been planning for over a year. That money helped us get a house.

  11. Living with my girlfriend at the time, spending all day playing video games with her, cooking, watching movies, and having sex. Was a great time.

    Now I’m in kind of a rut. Single, lonely, depressed. I’m on meds and in therapy but it only helps so much. Was with my ex so long IDK even how to date these days.

  12. Studying my ass off trying to get into med school, then studying my ass off again in med school.

    The effort paid off.

  13. Half-assing college, attempting to live independently for the first time, socializing and living a lot more than today

    I think I’m in a worse spot now, but how much that has to do with the state of the world is anybody’s guess

  14. At 22 I was a certified welder making good money, playing competitive softball & riding the hell out of motorcycles. I was single until 27.

  15. I spent most, if not all, of my 20s as a hermit. I stayed at home 98% of the time and never did anything besides browsing the internet or video games.

    I wouldn’t say I necessarily regret it, because I feel like I developed a kind of stoicism that has allowed me to brush a lot of pain and loneliness off now that I’m back in the world.
    Life still sucks and I still feel lonely or generally awful quite often, but I can cope better than I could when I was in my early 20s.
    It could just be age, or my realization that everyone is pretty unreliable.

  16. 20 – in the army

    21 – first half I was getting my shit together, lost a bunch of weight and made a bunch of positive changes in my life, started working on replacing bad habits with good ones, slowly but surely. 2nd half I spent backpacking through SE Asia.

    22 (current) – started liking pot too much, gained some weight back, picked up some of my old bad habits, miss backpacking and Asia like a mf. But I’m getting back on the grind rn (writing this from the gym ayo).

    23 – fking hell, who knows?

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