Say your boss came up to you and said he needs you to mow his lawn and trim his bushes for $100, would you do it?

  1. I mean, $100 is $100. As long as he doesn’t mean something else by that request, if you know what I mean.

  2. It depends on the job I do for him. If I’m a hey-you employee that doesn’t make a lot in my job, maybe the $100 would be welcome. If I’m an attorney in his firm, then not just no, but hello no. Context is everything.

  3. My boss would have been fired for proposing I do so because I was a union member and worked for state government. They’d have other ways of making us miserable– like dissolving our entire unit and giving our jobs to the private sector, where people paid peanuts with no benefits would jump at the chance to mow their bosses lawn for *fifty* dollars.

  4. $100? Lmao tell him to pay the high school kid down the street if he wants to be a cheap bastard.

  5. lol what? no. extremely unprofessional. any company that mixes work and home/social life regularly is unprofessional. my ex would “have to go for drinks with the team after work.” no you don’t. you belong to a MLM with a bunch of weirdos

  6. I’m pretty good at landscaping and have done it for friends for college money in the past. So really for me it boils down to how big his yard is and how close we are. That being said, I’m not every man, and it’s perfectly acceptable to say no.

  7. I’ve done it before, but at an hourly rate. Boss man is giving you 100 bucks. Have you seen his yard? Does he have a small suburban home, or 5 acres of lawn? Sounds like he needs to offer you more. Say, $30/ hr. What state?

  8. Context specific. General laborer, with a short work load/not enough hours on the paycheck and he lives close to work/my house? Sure. Rather get paid to do something and keep full time status during a slow period than not work at all.

    White collar/salaried position and we aren’t good buddies outside of work? That’s a no go.

  9. Honestly, if he had the tools, and gave me some instruction on exactly what to do, I’d do it. I just wouldn’t mind just being outside for a day with purpose. Also $100!

  10. If it was a female boss asking me to mow her lawn and trim her bushes for $100, figuring there might be a tip included, I might consider it. Otherwise, I’m busy this weekend.

  11. I’d probably have a few questions. It’s weird cause it’s an office job and I’m paid enough that I don’t really want to mow someone else’s lawn for $100. But also my boss has CP and I could see a scenario where his son is gone for a long period of time and he was in dire need.

  12. I really like yard work so it depends on the relationship and how he asked.

    My profession is not labor intensive, I work in IT. So if my boss asked me to do yard work, that’s far outside of the scope of what we do here.

    If he offered to pay me, buy me lunch, and I can still refuse if I don’t want to / am busy.

    Yeah, maybe.

    Edit: I would absolutely not be in a relationship where I do yard work routinely.

    I mean if my boss bought a new house or something once a year or he was throwing a BBQ or some kind of 1 off event, then yes.

    But “would you be my regular yard guy?”. No.

  13. Trimming bushes is harder and more intensive than it sounds. You better know exactly what you’re trimming and how much. He could be low balling you.

  14. “You don’t pay me enough to make me WANT to give up my free time to work for you on my day off, no matter how much you’re paying for the day”. That’s what I’d want to say to boss’s face, I’m more likely to just chuckle as if he’s being the silliest sausage ever with a “haha that’s not in my job description”.

  15. I used to do the yard work for the owner of the company I work for. It would take between 6.5- 8 hours every Saturday morning. It was all overtime and all I did was drive a zero degree turn lawnmower. He hardly home and I became close to his wife and 4 children. The wife loved the circle pattern I would cut the grass in and I showed the kids how to garden. One of his daughters owns a plant nursery and says it’s because I showed it to her.

  16. It depends. I’d expect to be paid my hourly rate as a software developer. Opportunity cost says my time is worth $50/hr.

  17. If he asked me to help him then I would without any expectation of money. If he asked me to do it FOR him then absolutely not.

  18. I would turn in my resignation on the spot. If he expects that kind of crap from his employees, he doesn’t deserve my services.

  19. Well I’m underpaid and overworked and my boss is an asshole. I would never do anything for that dickhead. The joys of being self employed.

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