I 23F have not been in a serious relationship in years. I always feel like the guy i like doesnt like me back, or is in a different city . When trying out new dates and seeing if men approach me, i feel like they are calling the shots and not giving any energy into me. I’m never the one that’s desired. I feel like it’s my time to be in a relationship but no one is giving me the time of day, or no one that i sincerely like back. I blame it on the town I’m in cause it’s pretty lame but seriously, would love dating tips/ how women get approached by guys more their speed.

  1. You’re picking guys who think they’re above you. Want to level the playing field? Hit the gym, eat/drink healthy, and make yourself a hot body. Problem with this, is that you’ll repeat the same mistakes by aiming higher after you get that body LOL

  2. stop expecting them to do all the work in a relationship. offer more than a pretty face and p*ssy. it sounds like you’re just waiting around for price charming to come sweep you off your feet. make an effort. it’s not the town that’s the problem.

  3. An unattractive girl is a lazy girl.

    Get in shape. You’re clearly not. And please don’t try to refute this because you’re the one asking for advise. A girl that takes care of her body is attractive to males for reasons we cannot control. It’s not the ‘new town.’ Lol.

    And I’m certain you’ll delete this.

  4. I can relate! It can be frustrating when it feels like the guys I’m interested in don’t reciprocate the same level of interest

    Hang in there, we’ll find our match eventually!

  5. The attractive men do call the shots. Compare the number of hot women to hot men. There is a large deficit

  6. You gotta do the approaching if people aren’t approaching you. Or curb your standards to a more realistic level. You clearly aren’t all that if you can’t attract people

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