Hi all,

I’m trying to decide if I should go with my gut and stop hooking up with a guy that’s taken. It’s causing me so much emotional distress and I feel so devalued. We’ve hooked up several times (on average, once a month or once every two months) for almost a year now. I had a serious crush on this man for about a year. I’ve developed an attachment to this person. When we see each other (only on those occasions), he’s super affectionate, communicative and amazing. Otherwise, he is inconsistent with texts and usually take hours, if not days, to respond to my messages. We’ve never hung out outside of the bedroom.

He always makes excuses as to why he takes so long to respond and reach out “I’m a bad texter” or claims he’s super busy with work and family issues pertaining to his mom. Also, he never actually initiates the hook up date but will make suggestive sexual comments and show sudden interest in chatting with me more to manipulate me into requesting an actual day/time. I know I shouldn’t see this person anymore but I need you guys’ help and feedback to help me STOP once and for all.

Tl;dr: mixed feelings and uncertainty about hooking up. What would you do in this situation? Thanks guys!

  1. OP, come on. The guy you are seeing is currently in a relationship and is only interested in you for sex?

    Not a person that values you.

    You are worth more than that. Find someone and start the relationship the right way.

  2. What would happen if you went with your gut?

    What if your crush on him is created by him not being available?

    What would you do if you valued yourself and trusted that you deserve a mutually respectful and loving relationship – and that you can handle this type of relationship?

  3. OP. Please find someone single that you can have a real relationship with. Not some relationship hidden in the dark that will hurt a lot of other people.

    Think about the other girl she deserves to be considered a human with feelings too

  4. How much second-hand embarrassment would you feel if a friend of yours had written this? Have some self-respect and stop letting yourself be used for sex by a cheater who isn’t even thinking of you most of the time.

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