So I’ve been talking to this guy for about a month now. I met him through a dating app and we both agreed on nothing serious and talked and flirted for about a few days before meeting up. We had sex, it was great, and he said he was down to do it again. I was excited because this guy seems very interesting, but over the next few weeks he pulls away and doesn’t talk as much. I try talking and he keeps being dry and I eventually ask if everything’s good and if he’d like to meet up again, and he says yes and that he’s just been busy. So we make plans but they get pushed back because of college stuff, but finally the day rolls around where we both plan to meet up and have sex, and I text checking if we’re still on to meet up. He doesn’t answer me for a whole day, and by the middle of the day i’ve given up and assume nothing is gonna happen. By the end of the day (literally) he sends me a text saying he was busy and had to catch up on school work and other stuff. I’m a little hurt by his ghosting but I also appreciate his apology. We have not really talked since then and things still seem dry.
Do I keep trying to pursue or just give up?

  1. Give up. Block, delete.

    He’s probably got post nut clarity and doesn’t really want to see you again, but he’s trying to be nice, or he’s put you in a rotation and is seeing how things work out with some other girl he’s talking to but that you don’t know about.

  2. Would probably give up on that one.

    When you make plans with someone, people keep their schedule open for it.

    If crap happens and you can’t make it, you tell the person asap. You don’t wait until 11 pm and go “Sorry, I was busy”

    He could have easily sent you a message the day before or in the morning. But he chose to wait until the night was over before messaging you. Its a lack of basic decency and consideration.

    If you’re not worth the time to send a simple heads up, then he isn’t worth your time overall.

  3. You’re offering no strings attached sex on a platter and he’s not receptive. Move on, there’s plenty of men who will jump at that chance.

  4. Give up of course.

    Nobody is too busy to answer, he just decided to waste your time and looked for cheap excuses. There are plenty of men in the sea, move on! <3

  5. Pass. This is his first impression stage! This is when he’s supposed to be trying his hardest to win you into agreeing to see him. If this is the hardest he tries, what happens when you’re five years in and life gets hard? Is he going to put in zero effort and leave it on your shoulders? I get being busy, but that doesn’t explain the ghosting or being dry. IMO, move on.

  6. If you didn’t use protection, get tested for STDs, etc.

    Do not contact him. I bet you something better came up so he ditched you but wants to keep you on the sidelines, just in case.

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