Do you believe cheater can change and stop cheating?

  1. With therapy … maybe less intentioned and less frequent … šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø…

    As can be serial monogamous in their soul?


    It’s a mental illness combined with sex addiction. They care more for instant gratification and the risk and rush. It’s their form of messed up self therapy/medication foe their insecurity and depression. You can be attractive with a good body and great in bed…

    They will still cheat.

    The real issue is will they get pregnant, catch STDs or get brainwashed with their fuckboi(s) …and do you want to deal with this shit?

    I dont…

    Already tried with 2 serial cheaters. One admitted and one in massive denial. One didn’t change after 3 kids from 3 dads over 20 years and another didn’t when married getting fucked well daily…she still found a way outside.

    Don’t even bother trying to change them

  2. No. Some do but it’s honestly rare. I do believe everyone has the ability to change for the best if they really tried, but not everyone does.

  3. If the cheater genuinely wants to stop cheating. But this is rare. A lot of times the appeal is the rush of doing something wrong, and that dopamine is a hell of a drug. If the cheater isn’t consciously aware of this, I doubt they’ll ever change.

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