I have no idea what my personality is.

I can’t describe myself, not my appearance nor my personality:

I have no idea if my kind or rude, if I’m introverted or extroverted, if I seem anxious.

I have no idea who I am or what my traits are. I feel so bland and flat as a person.

I have few friends and we are really not that close. Rarely they let out a small description of me, very surface level stuff like: “your diet is so unbalanced” or “you change earrings everyday!”.
It seems small but to me it’s huge, because before I had no idea that people noticed that about me.

I wish I could just assign everyone a essay about how they see me in details!!

  1. How old are you? If you are young (i.e. under about 25) this is extremely normal and will go away as you have more life experiences and find out a bit about who you are.

  2. I was there and still am. I think it is kinda related to your ego. Maybe you are a deep thinker and analyze everything about yourself and the world around you. I can suggest to dig into psychological/spiritual/philosophical stuff. Read about Carl Jung, Buddhsim, meditations, chakras and all that shit. It may sound silly at first but when you really try to understand they actually make sense, try to grasp concepts of soul/ego, anything. Expand your worldview you may find really interesting concepts that may help define yourself on both metaphysical and materialistic domains. But for now, don’t take it too seriously. In Zen Buddhsim there is like a constant questioning “Who Am I?”, and when any answer arises in your head just dismiss it. Answer that you don’t know. And that’s fine. You are somewhere behind your rational thinking. But it’s just my existential understanding.

  3. My sense of self is so ingrained that i don’t even activelly think about who i am.

    “Who are you?”

    “I’m me”

    If one wants more details, they should ask detailed questions.

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