Vikings are very romanticised in Hollywood and American media but Anglo Saxons are not as known but are very similar to the Vikings question is what is your knowledge about Anglo Saxons ? Do you find them cool too?

  1. I find them interesting, but again I am a history nerd, and have a spot for the early Middle ages.

  2. “White Anglo-Saxon Protestants” has a certain connotation here in the US, and it’s not a good one.

  3. I’m a big history buff so I have an interest with the anglo Saxons, but for most Americans thier official education of Anglo Saxons starts and stops at the Norman conquest. Most shows or movies about Vikings that Americans watch depicts them poorly because they are uselly the antagonists.

    My speculation is that “viking fever” is coming to end because thier increased exposure causes increasing familiarity which will cause them to loose thier exotic aspect as well as more people realizing that they shouldn’t be romanticizing marauders. Who knows maybe thier might come of a wave of pro Saxon media coming out in the near future as a reaction or counter point to viking media. That or the media moves onto some other culture or time period to romanticize.

  4. Most known through the acronym WASP. I’m willing to bet UK history isn’t much known outside of our revolution and founding.

  5. Just about the only exposure Americans will get to Anglo-Saxon culture in sxhool is if they read Beowulf, which will of course be translates into modern English. I remember the Venerable Bede also coming up a few times in history and English classes.

    Interesting that when my wife, who is a native German speaker, heard a reading in Old English, she remarked how similarnit sounds to the dying modern German dialect of Plaat Deutsch. Which is spoken in the region of Germany wherefrom the ancient Saxons migrated to Britain.

  6. I’m obsessed with Anglo Saxons, they’re so much more interesting than the Vikings imo.

    Here’s a good documentary playlist on them if anyone’s interested. Guy who narrates has a very soothing voice, great to fall asleep to

    Also, because it’s a fucking problem and this unfortunately needs to be said, he’s not a white supremacist who’s trying to drive some weird narrative, using ahistorical accounts of Anglo Saxons to justify his hate

    It’s just the facts

    Also here’s another one

  7. Vikings had better branding; I mean you had “Alfred the Great” but that doesn’t really compare to “Ivar the Boneless”. His brothers were Bjorn Ironside and Sigurd Snake-In-the-Eye. I’m sorry, but Aethelstan (as impressive as he was) “King of the English” just can’t compare.

  8. Hello, I am an American who virulently hates the Vikings. They were heathen rapists and murdered who killed untold thousands and subjugates Britian to a century of darkness and violence.

    I love Alfred the great and Wessex. He is the man who made England and saved Christendom on the British isles. God save Alfred the great! They are more than cool they are glorious!

    If I had a time machine I would bring a Maxim gun to king Alfred and kill Every Dane who so much as thought about stepping foot on noble Albion.

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