So I don’t know what to do in this situation. My ex girlfriend and I dated 5 years ago and for the first part of the year she had added me on Snapchat and we snapped maybe once and that was it but never mentioned to each other how we’ve been doing. I unadded her because I felt like she didn’t want to talk to me. She currently has a boyfriend (20M) and they’ve been together for 3 years now but recently last month while I was on vacation she added me again on Snapchat and asked how I’ve been doing and I stated that I want to be friends again and she said me too and so we talked for a little bit and that was it. A couple weeks later after I got back from my vacation she asked how was the trip and I said it was great and that was it. The next day she unadded me on Snapchat and put her Instagram profile on Private which I thought was weird because her profile was never private before. Do you think it had something to do with her boyfriend or does she not want anything to do with me and just wanted to see how I was doing?

  1. “I don’t know what to do in this situation.”.. You do nothing.

    Either she has a valid reason for what she did, or she is confused about how she feels, or she is toying with you.

    If it’s the first one, you should leave her be. If it’s option 2 or 3, you should ignore her. She’s either playing games, or for whatever reason decided contact with you is not a good idea. Don’t overthink it, and most importantly, don’t buy into her (potential) game playing. Just get on with your life. (Which, incidentally, if she is pining for you, is the best thing you can possibly do.)

  2. Do nothing. She’s your ex from when you were 15. She doesn’t want to talk to you or be your friend, and if someone doesn’t want to be your friend it’s not worth the energy to convince them otherwise

  3. She’s bored and wants attention or to see what you’re doing. Really don’t entertain it.

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