Do all women shake when they orgasm?

I’ve been having lots of sex with this girl and she orgasms every time (I don’t think she’s faking it) but she doesn’t shake or moan like other girls I’ve had sex with.

Is this normal? Could she be faking it?

  1. We are all so different in our reactions!
    No not everyone shakes. My reactions vary depending on the type of orgasm too, some loud some I go silent, some I tense up, some I shake. Don’t overthink it dude.

  2. Women vary, a lot.

    Don’t worry about it too much, just accept the W, and keep being an attentive lover.

  3. I will react every possible different way after different orgasms on different occasions.

    Not every woman reacts much at all.

  4. Not everyone behaves the same. I think a lot of women get quiet when they are close becuase they are trying to concentrate.

    I have orgasms both ways – sometimes I am loud and sometimes I am quiet. Sometimes I move around and shake and sometimes I don’t. All orgasms are just fine either way.

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