I find it annoying and disrespectful when the person I’m speaking to appears distracted by something and not really paying attention to what I’m saying. I can think of 3 people I know do this and they are all assertive-type women who are similar age to me.

I wonder if this is some sort of power move.

They still carry on talking and don’t say sorry about being distracted. But all I want to say is “Hello? Are you still with me?”

How should I deal with this?

  1. It isn’t so much a matter of “how,” and more a matter of WHY? Why have convos with people who are distracted and not paying attention? What’s the purpose?

    If they’re a friend, either have a heart-to-heart or else “demote” them to occasional friend. If they’re at work, cut that work convo short and get back to work. If it’s out at an event or a bar, move on to someone more interested in connecting. If it’s family, shrug your shoulders and go do something else.

    No need to subject yourself to that.

  2. People who are distracted while talking to you are not offering you their respect if they are not able to give you their attention. I deal with this all the time with a friend of mine and I just stop giving my attention as well.

  3. I’ve had this issue with a friend who was also a female and assertive type. she continued to disrespect me after bringing it up to her a few times. I recently ended the friendship since she was in denial of her behavior.

    a true friendship would show respect to one another. might be best to stop giving them your time.

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