If you had a relationship, situationship or something of the sorts if you were over the person or done with the relationship would you keep them added on all social media platforms and respond to messages, or would you atleast remove them on social media?

  1. If you’re still responding to messages, you aren’t really “done”, and you never were.

    As for taking people off my socials, I personally don’t do that. I don’t feel the need to erase people like that. If there was a safety issue I’d respond differently but at the end of the day if someone wants to look at my socials there’s not much I can do about it anyways, so I don’t see a reason to remove people.

  2. as I don’t share my social media with anybody I just ignore then, but if I had, I probably blocked them

  3. I never see them again or look at their profiles , I don’t keep mutual friends , it’s healthier for both parts .

  4. Depends. I can be done with the relationship but still want to be friends, in which case I’d keep them around on social media. If I’m not interested in being friends, that’s when I remove them from my socials.

  5. Depends, I only really delete someone if I really like them (need to create space) or really dislike them. But if I end it with someone usually I’m good to leave them on my social media unless I feel they’re a pest

  6. At some point, I would probably just forgot I have them even added on social media. I would probably keep them added just to keep up if the relationships ended amicably. I would see no problem responding to their messages if things were still cool between us. I just wouldn’t be the one initiating.

  7. I don’t allow the relationship to reach the point to were I have resentment for my ex. I wouldn’t remove them form social media and wouldn’t be opposed to responding to their messages. My last ex referred me some clients after we broke up, I’m still training them over a year later.

  8. I just don’t interact with them.

    If I’m interacted with by them I’ll respond in a polite way but that’s it, I won’t try to keep things going.

  9. well, first I am not on social media so that isn’t an issue. But I guess it would depend on how whatever it is ended. I am kinda going through this right now.

    I have no issue remaining friends with someone as long as they can properly treat me as a friend.

  10. In the one case where I’ve found myself done with a particular person, I’ve kept all the private text messages and photos. I’ve since removed the person from all social media, taken down any public photos of them, and removed any tag of myself in any of their photos.

  11. If the relationship is done then they are getting out of life from all aspects. Cuz it would be unhealthy for me to have them in sight, and would restrict the process of me dealing with it, working on healing myself and moving on.

  12. I don’t have sex with women I don’t have a strong emotional bond with, so my answer might be different. Depends on the nature of the break-up. If she’s been hiding something from me (such as another lover) or she’s trying to do something like get me to be bisexual (aka, fundamentally change core aspect about myself) or belittling/abusing me or she’s done something I find morally repugnant (such as murder someone). Then I’ll cut all ties.And those are the only real reasons I break up with a lover.

    If it’s someone I’m dating, but not having sex with, I just say goodbye and let the friendship fade away naturally.If the woman is the mother of my child, and we split. She’ll always be family to me, no matter what she’s done. I’ll always keep contact with her, protect her if she’s in dire straights, and try to be amicable so long as she’s not a danger to our child.

  13. I block their phone number usually but don’t always delete them off social media, unless I’m having a super hard time getting over them

  14. This might be specific to me but I personally don’t want meaningless, random followers on my accounts. And I don’t follow random people in that same regard. So, because they wouldn’t be part of my life anymore, they’d get removed on everything. Phone number as well. Plus I think that would expedite the healing process.

  15. I’ve never deleted anyone, but I do unfollow them. If they were to keep contacting me, I’d block them, but I’ve never had that happen.

    Outside of social media, I try to remove anything that would remind me of my life with that ex (I assume we’re talking about exes), and try to keep myself preoccupied with working on myself and hanging with my friends. After a while, I forget about that person or at least lose feelings for them.

  16. I’ve never deleted a girl on social media after a breakup. Part of me always wanted them to eventually see that I have moved on and get jealous. But usually it backfired. I’d see them with another guy and it would crush me lol. Eventually I would hide them so nothing of theirs would show up but I could never cut bait. If any of them ever wanted to reach out and talk I’m always willing to listen. But in my life that’s really only happened once and the conversation went nowhere.

  17. Depends on the relationship and how it ended.

    Something less serious or it ended really amicably? Sure I’ll stay friendly and chat from time to time. We were way too serious or she cheated on me? Nope, that’s a no contact thing.

  18. never really cut someone off completedly. maybe once or twice. but most of the time, just move on.

  19. In this thread: people stating their ideal situations.

    I know damn well at least some of you get hung up and play the on again/off again game or any variation of such from the unhealthy guide to relationships.

    There’s just no way the maths gonna check out

    (I’m slightly kidding and am aware Reddit is full of different folks, some of whom would or wouldn’t comment on posts such as this)

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