I’m seeing someone new. It’s only been a few months. We don’t text often, maybe a once or twice* during the week to make plans around the weekend.

I’m used to more frequent texts during the week just to check-in during the early stages of dating. It’s light and fun and a temp check on communication styles, etc.

He will respond if I initiate, but he’s not big on being the conversation starter. Because of that, I’m less keen on initiating lately.

He’s a good conversationalist in person, but it just doesn’t translate to online. I could be overthinking, but how normal is this for you?

  1. Maybe once or twice a day. Neither of us really look for any more than that when we are not together. Personally, I will text over calling anyone, regardless of relationship status.

    Sometimes I innitiate, sometimes she does, but there’s no score-keeping. Anything big to discuss is done in person. Texts are mostly to share some bit of info, or to plan out the weekend or dinner during the week if we plan on going out.

  2. I’ve definitely had ppl I talk allll day long with, although I try not to anymore bc I feel like it’s kinda unhealthy. But at least a couple times a day I’d say, or just throughout the day. Idk to me personally I would need more than a couple times a week to stay interested, unless we were hanging all the time.

  3. If it’s someone that I’m only seeing on the weekend, I typically don’t text much at all during the week.

    If it’s someone I’m seeing throughout the week as well, then typically every day to coordinate plans.

    I’ve never been one for long conversations over text. If you’ve got something that you’d like to talk about, please just call.

  4. We matched on the 5th and have been texting multiple times per day. Usually quite short in the morning, a bit during lunch, and longer sessions in the evening.

  5. an unfortunate thing is that something like 95% of women will start pulling away if you text them too often and “too often” can be as little as once a day with some girls so one of the first things most guys learn when they get more successful is to text less.

    Also yeah being better in person is a thing. I LOATHE texting I only do it because I have to. I’d literally only talk over the phone or in person if that wasn’t considered borderline mental in modern society.

  6. I think it depends on the person, I personally love to talk to the person I’m dating as much as I can especially since I travel for work. I make it known to them from the beginning. I told the person I’m currently seeing and he’s okay with it, at first he wasn’t used to it.

  7. This guy texts you less than normal I think. Since he doesn’t initiate texts or communication, I would be wary of investing much in this relationship at this time. Keep him at arms length until he takes more initiative.

    Guys who texted me only a few times a week after meeting only wanted casual.

  8. if it’s new, the least amount possible and keep conversations to face to face. texting people too much when you just meet them creates a fantasy in your head and oftentimes that person is too high on a pedestal so when they don’t text for a day, or act irregular, you feel deregulated or upset, and you shouldn’t give that much energy to a stranger, at least imo

  9. Even after a FEW MONTHS you guys don’t text throughout the week? How often do you see each other and for how long? Even if you saw each other every weekend it would still limit your interactions so much. For me personally, i can’t handle the silence for 5 days and see my partner just once a week for one or two days. If he doesn’t like texting you guys can call.

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