I see people all the time going through efforts to impress people that won’t even benefit them,but I wonder this question about vanity. An example is that I usually don’t remember or even bother cleaning my glasses,I was basically born with them anyway,so I can’t remember they exist. Some people even say:”Dude,how can you see?”

I also don’t mind telling things that would be embarrasing for most men. If I’m meeting new people and the talk reach “those” topics,and they start asking too much,I tell them that yes I never had the experience and it doesn’t make a difference because “the thing doesn’t get up anymore”. They usually start to laugh,but the best part is women usually get even more comfortable with me in the long-term,they might think:”Oh,he definitely isn’t trying to “fake friend until the bed” if he tells something so embarrassing.”

1 comment
  1. The cleaning your glasses thing seems less about vanity and more about hygiene to me. If i go outside in a shirt with spaghetti stains, people will think i dont take care of myself. The same with your glasses. Vanity works on a scale from people who dont care what they look like at all, to people who see it as the most important thing in life. Its not just you’re vain or youre not. As with most things in life, being in the middle is probably the best place to be. You care enough to be presentable, but not so much that it negatively effects you and the people around you.

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