Hi. I’ve recently been diagnosed with ASD after being misdiagnosed with EUPD.
It’s been quite an enlightening journey to rediscover why I am the way I am and how to cope in a nuerotypical world… however… Im really struggling. I don’t have a family support network being a care leaver. The government parented me. State property. I’ve been severely mistreated by the system due to said background and diagnosis, but how do we maintain the upkeep of survival when everything is falling apart 🤔 burn out and meltdowns. I’m 30. I feel like I should have gotten a grip by now but shit is still tough. Anyone else in a similar boat… do you take meds? How do you see your autism

1 comment
  1. Whenever I read about people’s experiences in the US foster system, I feel I want to be a mum to after-foster those young adults that are thrown out of the system. However, I am not in your country and don’t know so much about how to best manage in that environment.

    I have friends who are on the spectrum, but all I really know is that every person on the spectrum is still an individual and will have their individual needs and also individual superpowers.

    I‘d love to be of help if I can, though, even from afar. So if you want a remote mum to text with, I am here.

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