I went through some mental issues shortly into covid and ghosted most my friends. Kept in touch with a few online, but I kept making excuses for reconciling & cut them off altogether pretty recently. I feel like I’ve changed too much as a person these last few years… I honestly don’t like people anymore (SUCH a corny thing to say, ik 🙄), I find it hard to trust anyone and I don’t have the patience for meeting new folks. I remote work and I think my social skills have deteriorated a lot too. All I do is work, sleep.. I don’t like my life right now, I don’t know.

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you really need to get out more. Though, I can really relate to this because I too work remote and mostly stay indoors. What’s helped me is to go on daily walks and try to be as social as I can when I’m outside, even if it’s just a smile and a wave…it does help.

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