How do you deal with it?

  1. I’m not introverted yet I had some social butterfly friend with huge network of friends who wanted me to meet her every friend and join the activities of lots of people I don’t care and she was not ok with “no” answer. like suddenly she bring people for me to meet and people are like “let’s play golf” but bruh I hate it and when I say no they being forceful and whatnot and she lecturing me like I did something wrong. I removed her from my life to get a piece of my mind lol

  2. Nope, I enjoy having an extroverted partner. I always go for extroverts – they balance my life, and I love watching them shine.

    I’m a homebody & my fiancé a big party animal. It’s fine, all I ask is: be safe, & come home to me at the end of the night

  3. Expects me to act the same around her as I do around company and public. Annoying as fuck. That’s not how I’m wired. I don’t know these people and there’s too many of them at the same time to focus on.

  4. It’s not an issue with my current partner. But in the past they’d just make endless demands to attend every single event in town and then go full blackmail, self victimizing mode if I needed time to recover.

  5. Had one extroverted gf in the past. Eventually I just got tired of it and broke up with her.
    I have a small circle of friends and I don’t really enjoy the dynamics that come with interacting with dozens and dozens of people (hundreds if you count online/social media). I understand we’re all different but for me it’s just exhausting and it feels like a lot of people involved are very phony and disingenuous but just enjoy attention.

  6. I enjoy the energy as long as I’m not expected to match it. If she’s cool with my introverted tendencies, I’m cool with her extroverted ones.

    That being said, you mention it makes you uncomfortable and/or you find it disrespectful (or are you disrespectful, that was unclear). That’s different. Someone being an extrovert doesn’t make me uncomfortable, however people of all types can make me uncomfortable by their behavior. I have no patience for for a disrespectful person, or someone who behaves in a way that makes me uncomfortable. I see these as completely different issues.

  7. Nothing. Your wife shouldn’t be making you feel uncomfortable or disrespected regardless how outgoing or personable she is.

  8. Volunteer me for things. I don’t like minding my business than hearing “so-and-so said the two of you would be coming to Kira’s baby shower”. Like dude, we didn’t discuss that and even if we did, I’m pretty sure Kira’s cucking her boyfriend since the babies named after her ex (which no one told him apparently)

  9. To be frank, this is something that should be dealt with long before she’s a wife or anywhere on the wife track of relationship advancement.

  10. She really likes to go out all the time and go into the city. Two things I enjoy but not all the time. I’m more a “stay in and go out once a week” type guy. Sometimes it overwhelms me because I want to make her happy but I also get exhausted and don’t feel involved or like I’m having a good time. Generally speaking we manage it well and she is understanding when I’m ready to go home.

  11. I didn’t know this at the time but my ex expected me to go to parties with her so she can make the guy she’s been in love with jealous :), when i would say no it would be greeted with your controlling me and you don’t trust me.

  12. Not my gf anymore but when I had her she would do her thing while I watched from a corner sipping on Dr Pepper

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